Verba - Wenus i Re - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Verba - Wenus i Re

Wenus i Re
Venus and Re
Tak jak idealny d wiêk chce bez koñca s³uchaæ Ciê
Just like the ideal age, I want to listen to you without end
Gdy szeptem wo³asz mnie.
When you whisper my name.
Tak jak idealny dzieñ ciep³em s³oñca budzisz mnie .
Like a perfect day, you wake me up with the warmth of the sun.
Tak delikatnie...
So gently...
Budzimy siê, kiedy budzi siê Bóg Re,
We wake up when the God Re wakes up,
Gdy zasypia my te¿ zapadamy w sen
When we fall asleep, we fall asleep too,
Oddajemy serce, gdy spotykamy mi³o æ.
When we meet love, we give our whole heart.
I podajemy d³oñ tym, których uczucie wykrêci³o
And hold out our hand to those whose feelings have twisted
Nie widzimy ile szczê cia nam ucieka
We can't see how much happiness escapes us
I wierzymy w mi³o æ zapisana w sms-ach.
And we believe in love written in text messages.
Czasem widzimy jak¹ parê zakochanych
Sometimes we see a couple in love
I chcemy, ¿eby to spotka³o nas samych.
And we want the same thing to happen to us.
K³ócimy siê, a tak za sob¹ szaleli my
We argue, but we used to be so crazy about each other
Tyle s³ów, które sobie pisali my
So many words we wrote to each other
Pierwsza my l, zanim przywita³em dzieñ,
The first thought, before I greeted the day,
To, czy pisz i czy stêskni³a siê.
If you were writing and if you missed me.
Dzisiaj pytam w³asne sumienie o powody
Today I ask my own conscience for reasons
Dlaczego sami uk³adamy te przeszkody
Why do we create these obstacles ourselves?
Jeste my dla siebie najwa¿niejsi
We are the most important thing to each other
I dlatego musimy staraæ siê byæ lepsi.
And that's why we must try to be better.
Wierzymy w to, ¿e przyjdzie taki czas
We believe that the time will come
I da nam szanse, by prze¿yæ to jeszcze raz
And give us a chance to live through this again,
Zagraj¹ na nowa zapomniana melodie
They will play forgotten melodies again,
Bogowie teatru nie miertelni jak marmur.
The immortal Gods of the theatre like marble.
Ka¿dej nocy modlimy siê do gwiazd
Every night we pray to the stars
By przynios³y sny, w których nie zabraknie nas
To bring us dreams in which we will not be lacking
Tacy jeste my jak otaczaj¹cy nas wiat...
We are like the world that surrounds us...
Tacy sami, lecz do koñca nie poznani
The same, but not fully known,
Mijamy dni przepe³nione ³zami,
We pass days full of tears,
Ciche uliczki wype³nione têsknotami
Quiet streets filled with yearning,
U pione przez tych którzy dawno st¹d odeszli
Built by those who left long ago,
Zapomniane strony poezji,
Forgotten pages of poetry,
Ale my wierzymy w mi³o æ
But we believe in love,
Rozpalon¹ w sercach, w blisko æ jedyna
Ignited in our hearts, in this unique closeness,
Za ka¿dym razem, gdy wstajemy rano
Every time we wake up in the morning,
Nie pozwólmy by ja nam odebrano.
Let's not let it be taken away from us.
Czy widzia³a ich razem?
Have you seen them together?
Mi³o æ zatrzyma³a s³once
Love has stopped the sun,
Tam gdzie morze spotyka siê z l¹dem.
Where the sea meets the land.
Za horyzontem znika³ stary dzieñ
The old day was disappearing beyond the horizon.
Oni zamy leni przytulali siê.
With their eyes closed, they hugged each other.
Mo¿e wczoraj stali na skraju przepa ci
Maybe yesterday they were standing on the edge of an abyss.
Dzisiaj nikt inny nie jest wa¿ny,
Today no one else matters,
A kto wie, czy bez Bogini Wenus,
And who knows if without the Goddess Venus,
Bóg Re nie zosta³by na zawsze w cieniu.
The God Re would not have stayed in the shadows forever.
Wielu z nas pope³nia jeden b³¹d
Many of us make one mistake
Zapominamy o tym, ¿e inni przy nas
We forget that others are with us,
Pamiêtajcie nauczmy siê mi³o ci
Remember, let's learn to love,
By nie uczyæ siê ¿ycia w samotno ci
So that we don't have to learn life in solitude,
Zostali my tak skonstruowani
We are so constructed,
¯e s³abniemy, gdy jeste my sami,
That we weaken when we are alone,
A je li w to nie uwierzymy
And if we don't believe in it,
To w jakimi wiecie jutro siê obudzimy?
Who knows what we will wake up to tomorrow?

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