Vlado Kreslin - Nekega Jutra, KO Se Zdani (Live) - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Vlado Kreslin - Nekega Jutra, KO Se Zdani (Live)

Nekega Jutra, KO Se Zdani (Live)
One Morning, When It Dawns (Live)
Prvi žarek že dviga se iz sna
The first ray of light is already rising from your sleep
Glej, nad vodo je svetloba vzšla!
See, the light has risen over the water!
Ko poslednjemu v temi poidejo moči,
When the last one in the dark runs out of strength,
Novih stotero se sonca veseli.
A new hundred suns will rejoice.
Nekega jutra, ko se zdani
One morning, when it dawns
In se glave ohladijo,
And the heads cool down,
Vsak odide svojo pot.
Everyone goes their own way.
Nekega jutra, ko se zdani
One morning, when it dawns
In se solze posušijo,
And the tears dry up,
Nekega jutra,
One morning,
Ko se zdani.
When it dawns.
Tam pri peči stari, kot včasih tiste dni
There by the old stove, like in the old days
S klobuki na omari in toplimi dlanmi,
With hats on the cupboard and warm hands,
Spomnimo se pesmi stare, ki bila je še od vseh,
We remember the old songs, which were still from all,
Glasneje od viharjev se slišal bo naš smeh
Our laughter will be louder than the storms

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