Vypsana Fixa - Gigi - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Vypsana Fixa - Gigi

Písmeno U,
The letter U,
Mám na svých rtech.
I have it on my lips.
Jenom se dotknu,
Just touch you,
Nebo třeba vůbec ne.
Or maybe not at all.
To mi celkem dobře jde.
I'm quite good at that.
Jsem pyroman,
I'm a pyromaniac,
Servírka mne chápe.
The waitress understands me.
Někde za rohem,
Somewhere around the corner,
Chci zahrabat kráter.
I want to bury a crater.
Chci ho zahrabat.
I want to bury it.
Ó Čiči, tak mi zase končí víkend.
Oh Gigi, so my weekend is ending again.
A ty v Cadilacu mizíš.
And you're disappearing in your Cadillac.
Ó Čiči, nevracej se, lehnu si na písek.
Oh Gigi, don't come back, I'll lie down on the sand.
A zaplatím ti leasing.
And I'll pay off your lease.
Ó Čiči, ty jediná víš, co je to opravdu
Oh Gigi, you're the only one who knows what it really is
A opravdu mně povíš.
And you really tell me.
Ó Čiči, řežeš do mě, nenajdu
Oh Gigi, you cut me up so I can never find you
A navždycky vyhodím.
And forever throw you away.
Čiči jede pryč,
Gigi's leaving,
vedle nejsem.
I'm not next to her.
Jednou ji zamávám,
Once I wave to her,
A pak zazpívám píseň.
And then I'll sing a song.
A pak ji zazpívám.
And then I'll sing it.
Ó Čiči, tak mi zase končí víkend.
Oh Gigi, so my weekend is ending again.
A ty v Cadilacu mizíš.
And you're disappearing in your Cadillac.
Ó Čiči, nevracej se, lehnu si na písek.
Oh Gigi, don't come back, I'll lie down on the sand.
A zaplatím ti leasing.
And I'll pay off your lease.
Ó Čiči, ty jediná víš, co je to opravdu
Oh Gigi, you're the only one who knows what it really is
A opravdu mně povíš.
And you really tell me.
Ó Čiči, řežeš do mě, nenajdu
Oh Gigi, you cut me up so I can never find you
A navždycky vyhodím.
And forever throw you away.
Čiči ten slipy zase trhá.
Gigi's tearing those panties again.
Toho hodnýho lehce vysmekne.
She slips the nice guy right out.
Sejme ho a pošle tam Boha,
Takes him off and sends God there,
Toho silnýho chlápka, co bydlí ve mně.
That strong guy who lives in me.
Čiči ten slipy zase trhá.
Gigi's tearing those panties again.
Toho hodnýho lehce vysmekne.
She slips the nice guy right out.
Sejme ho a pošle tam Boha,
Takes him off and sends God there,
Toho silnýho chlápka, co bydlí ve mně.
That strong guy who lives in me.
Mám jeho,
I have him,
Mám jeho,
I have him,
Mám jeho,
I have him,
Mám jeho.
I have him.
Ó Čiči, pomalu tu končí sítě.
Oh Gigi, the nets are slowly ending here.
A ty v Cadilacu mizíš.
And you're disappearing in your Cadillac.

Writer(s): Daniel Oravec, Michal Mareda, Milan Kukulsky, Petr Martinek

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