Walter Silva - El Viejo Coleador - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Walter Silva - El Viejo Coleador

El Viejo Coleador
The Old Coleador (Bull Tailer)
Para ser buen coleador, Solo me bastó tener
To be a good bull tailer, All I needed was to have
La mas humilde montura, desde que alcanzara toro
The most humble mount, since I could reach a bull
Y se apartara un momento había puntuación segura
And if it moved away for a moment, there was a sure takedown
Así me metía en el pecho
That's how I took on
Los torneos más importantes que existen en la llanura.
The most important tournaments that exist on the plains.
Y de amores si ni hablar
And about love, not to mention
Porque no podía olvidar mi gran amor en el llano
Because I couldn't forget my great love on the plains
Coleando a una sola mano fue que gané su ternura
Tailing with just one hand, that's how I won her tenderness
Así siendo tan llanero quizás con esa llanera
Being so much of a plainsman, perhaps with that plainswoman
Fue mi faena más dura. (bis)
It was my hardest task. (repeat)
En una tarde de tantas que acostumbraba a lucirme
On one afternoon of many when I used to show off
Llegue a la manga del pueblo con mi plata pa' inscribirme
I arrived at the town's bullring with my money to sign up
Pero me hirieron el alma, tanto que sentí morirme
But they wounded my soul, so much that I felt like dying
El presidente del club
The president of the club
Me hizo a un lado, dizque a decirme
Pulled me aside, as if to tell me
Si viene en caballo criollo hoy no puedo recibirlo
If you come on a Creole horse, I can't accept you today
Sepa que el caballo criollo para este coleo no sirve
You should know that the Creole horse is not suitable for this bull tailing
Debe comprar cuatro e' milla y si es que quiere insistirme
You must buy a quarter-mile horse and if you want to insist
Hay un nuevo reglamento por el cual debo regirme
There is a new regulation by which I must abide
Además que la inscripción pa' usted no la veo posible
Besides, the registration fee for you, I don't see it as possible
Claro ya cobran millones, para jalar cuatro chifles
Of course, they now charge millions, to pull four horns
Cuando antes por la sabana yo los corría pa' reírme
When before, across the savanna, I used to chase them for fun
Ay! quise matar a ese hombre, alguien alcanzó a impedirlo
Oh! I wanted to kill that man, someone managed to stop me
Pero le sembré la mano, dio como tres volantines
But I planted my hand on him, he did about three somersaults
Cayó cerca a mi caballo y como para que afine
He fell near my horse and as if to top it off
Mi caballito también, maltratado en su nobleza
My little horse too, mistreated in its nobility
Le puso un casco en el pecho y el otro por la cabeza
Put one hoof on his chest and the other on his head
Pa' que aprenda que el caballo de un llanero se respeta.
So that he learns that a plainsman's horse is respected.
Ese día no se me olvida, desde entonces no coleo Eso ya es solo dinero
That day I won't forget, since then I haven't tailed bulls. It's all about money now
El dinero se consigue pero me duele el negocio
Money can be made, but the business hurts me
Con el arte del llanero si quiero jalar un toro
With the art of the plainsman, if I want to pull a bull
En mi fundo hay tal cualito mas pesado y mas ligero
On my farm, there are plenty, both heavier and lighter
Además yo no me veo,
Besides, I don't see myself
Recibiendo algún trofeo con casco y no con sombrero
Receiving any trophy with a helmet and not with a hat
O que alguien vuelva a humillarme a un potro de mis criaderos
Or having someone humiliate a colt from my breeding grounds again
Nunca le pondría en la patas una venda a mi caballo
I would never put a bandage on my horse's legs
Si así no mas es palero (bis)
If it's just a hobby (repeat)
Amalaya aquellos tiempos cuando yo fui coleador
Oh, for those times when I was a bull tailer
Que en cada tarde jugaba prácticamente mi honor
When every afternoon I practically gambled my honor
Cada toro pa un cariño cada campana un amor
Each bull for a love, each bell a sweetheart
Las mangas eran de guafa, sin corral recibidor
The bullrings were made of guafa, with no receiving corral
El toro que se jalaba iba pa los morichales
The bull that was pulled went to the morichales
Si había treinta coleadores traían sesenta animales
If there were thirty bull tailers, they brought sixty animals
Porque ningún dueño de hato, cobraba para prestarlos
Because no ranch owner charged to lend them
El toro que se partía lo ordenaban despresarlo
The bull that broke down was ordered to be butchered
Y a la gente mas humilde, por polleraos regalarlo
And given to the most humble people, as a gift for the poor
Hoy cuando se parte un sute por ley toca que pagarlo
Today, when a suit is torn, by law you have to pay for it
Si un día volveria a la manga, cuando quieren apostarme
If one day I were to return to the bullring, when they want to bet against me
Que me les vuelvo a fajar y campeón coronarme
I'll go back to fighting and crown myself champion
Y entre coleadas de viejos si es posible recordarles
And among old men's tailing, if possible, remind them
Que el coleo de la sabana se hizo para respetarlo
That the savanna's bull tailing was made to be respected
Y que no hay mejor escuela pa aprender a practicarlo
And that there is no better school to learn how to practice it
Que colear a costa e monte o por hay de banco a banco
Than tailing at the edge of the forest or from bank to bank
Porque coleador de pueblo, yo he visto muchos halando
Because I have seen many town bull tailers pulling
Que dejan toro parao y en su afán para tumbarlo
Who leave the bull standing and in their eagerness to bring it down
Le echan esos caballones po' encima para enredarlos
They throw those big horses on top of it to entangle them
Y el que quiera comprabarme, no intente cogerme el codo
And whoever wants to test me, don't try to grab my elbow
Pida una cola peliada y le apuesto que lo sobo
Ask for a disputed tail and I bet I'll subdue it
Por eso es mio el refrán que quizás lo dice todo
That's why the saying that perhaps says it all is mine
No hay coleo como el de ayer ni colear como a mi modo.
There's no bull tailing like yesterday's and no tailing like my way.

Writer(s): Walter Silva

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