Waylon Jennings - Red Velvet (1999) - translation of the lyrics into Russian

Lyrics and translation Waylon Jennings - Red Velvet (1999)

Four months ago last April on a day coach she came down,
Четыре месяца назад, в прошлом апреле, она приехала на дневной Дилижанс.
Nasty Autumn winds began to blow
Начали дуть противные осенние ветры.
Should have known I couldn't hold her living out so far from town,
Надо было догадаться, что я не смогу удержать ее, живущую так далеко от города.
The nights to come were long and slow to go.
Грядущие ночи тянулись долго и медленно.
If I had known, when first we kissed
Если бы я знал, когда мы впервые поцеловались ...
You can't keep Red Velvet on a border farm like this
Ты не можешь держать Красный бархат на пограничной ферме, как эта.
Now she's up and left me and I'm walking down the line
Теперь она встала и оставила меня, и я иду по линии.
Dusty autumn, winds began to blow.
Пыльная осень, начали дуть ветры.
All dressed up in red velvet in her high heel shoes so fine
Вся в красном бархате в туфлях на высоком каблуке Такая красивая
The nights to come were long and slow to go
Грядущие ночи тянулись долго и медленно.
Somewhere in Vietnam a 19 year old soldier walked out of a barroom
Где то во Вьетнаме 19 летний солдат вышел из бара
And he said, "I must be seeing things, that bourbon hit me like a baseball bat."
И он сказал: "Должно быть, мне что-то мерещится, этот бурбон ударил меня, как бейсбольная бита".
In Belfast, Ireland a little lady dropped her shovel in her garden
В Белфасте, Ирландия, маленькая леди уронила лопату в своем саду.
She raced across the yard and asked her neighbor Mrs. Clancy, "What was that?"
Она побежала через двор и спросила свою соседку миссис Клэнси:
In Memphis, Tennesee a teacher raised the window, closest to the river
В Мемфисе, штат Теннеси, учитель поднял окно, самое близкое к реке.
And the children in her classroom swore they heard a choir singing down the street.
И дети в ее классе клялись, что слышали хор, поющий на улице.
In Washington, DC a private secretaries lips began to quiver
В Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия, у частного секретаря задрожали губы.
And the president just put aside his papers and rose quickly to his feet.
А президент просто отложил свои бумаги и быстро поднялся на ноги.
I lay in a cheap motel in the arms of someone else's woman
Я лежал в дешевом мотеле в объятиях чужой женщины.
When a loud explosion rocked the room and turned the morning into night
Когда громкий взрыв сотряс комнату и превратил утро в ночь
I jumped out of bed and ran into the street with hardly any clothes on,
Я вскочил с постели и выбежал на улицу почти голый,
As the sky lit up, my heart stood still and I could feel my face as it turned to white.
Когда небо осветилось, мое сердце остановилось, и я почувствовал, как мое лицо побелело.
All at once the clouds rolled back and there stood Jesus Christ in all His glory and I realized
Внезапно облака разошлись и я увидел Иисуса Христа во всей его славе и я понял
The saddest eyes I'd ever seen were looking straight at me.
Самые грустные глаза, какие я когда-либо видел, смотрели прямо на меня.
I guess I was awakened by the penetrating sound of my own screaming
Наверное, меня разбудил пронзительный звук собственного крика.
And it didn't take me long to stumble out of bed and fall down on my knees.
И мне не потребовалось много времени, чтобы споткнуться и упасть на колени.
As tears rolled down my face I cried dear Lord, I'm thankful I was only dreaming,
Когда слезы катились по моему лицу, я плакал: "Боже, я благодарен, что мне это только приснилось".
And if I never go to hell Lord, it'll be because you scared it out of me...
И если я никогда не попаду в ад, Господи, то только потому, что ты напугал меня до смерти...

Writer(s): Ian Tyson

Waylon Jennings - The Journey: Destiny's Child
The Journey: Destiny's Child
date of release

1 The Stage (Stars in Heaven)
2 Another Bridge to Burn (1966)
3 Now Everybody Knows (1966)
4 Dream Baby (How long Must I Dream) (1967)
5 Time Will Tell the Story (1966)
6 The Dark Side of Fame (1965)
7 That's the Chance I'll Have to Take (1965)
8 Cindy of New Orleans (1966)
9 Look Into My Teardrops (1965)
10 I Wonder Just Where I Went Wrong (1965)
11 I Don't Mind (1966)
12 Baby, Don't Be Looking in My Mind (1966)
13 Falling for You (1966)
14 If You Really Want Me to I'll Go (1966)
15 Just for You (1966)
16 Yes, Virginia (1970)
17 You're Gonna Wonder About Me (1966)
18 All of Me Belongs to Me (feat. Anita Carter)
19 I Fall in Love So Easily (1968)
20 She Loves Me (She Don't Love You) (1967)
21 Let Me Talk to You (1968)
22 Lock, Stock and Teardrops (1968)
23 Shutting Out the Light (1970)
24 Woman, Don't You Ever Laugh at Me (1968)
25 But That's Alright (1966)
26 Words Come Easy (1999)
27 Red Velvet (1999)
28 Charlie Lay Down the Gun (1999)
29 Love's Gonna Live Here (1965)
30 Dream Baby (1965)
31 Crying (1965)
32 Doesn't Anybody Know My Name (1966)
33 Never Again
34 Down Came the World (1966)
35 I'm a Man of Constant Sorrow (1966)
36 Stop the World (And Let Me Off) (1965)
37 What's Left of Me (1966)
38 Anita, You're Dreaming (1965)
39 What Makes a Man Wander (1966)
40 My World (1967)
41 Time to Burn Again (1966)
42 (That's What You Get) For Lovin' Me (1966)
43 Taos, New Mexico (1967)
44 Norwegian Wood (1966)
45 I Tremble for You (1967)
46 Leavin' Town (1966)
47 Hoodlum
48 Lang's Theme
49 Roberts Bicycle Jingle (& Ray Corbin) (1999)
50 Stop the World and Have a Coke (1999)
51 Love Denied
52 Stepping Stone
53 The South's Gonna Rise Again (demo)
54 Gulf Coast Belle (demo)
55 Sally Was a Good Ole Girl (1965)
56 Burning Memories (1965)
57 Big Mamou (1965)
58 Money (Gerald W. Gropp- vocal) (1965)
59 Don't Think Twice, It's Alright (1965)
60 It's So Easy (1965)
61 Lorena (Paul E. Foster- vocal) (1965)
62 To Bum Again (A Pause for a Coke) (1999)
63 Abilene (Waylon, Paul & Gerry) (1965)
64 Step Aside (1999)
65 Memories (1999)
66 Mental Revenge (1999)
67 Don't Think Twice, It's Alright (1970)
68 The Twelfth of Never (1970)
69 Kisses Sweeter Than Wine (1970)
70 I Don't Believe You (1970)
71 The Real House of the Rising Sun (1970)
72 Living Proof (& Jessi Colter) (1999)
73 Wave Goodbye to Me (1999)
74 Sunbeam Bread Jingle (1999)
75 White Lightnin' (1965)
76 No One's Gonna Miss Me (feat. Anita Carter)
77 Spanish Penthouse
78 Rush Street Blues
79 Money Cannot Make the Man (1967)
80 Yes, Virginia (1967)
81 If the Shoe Fits (1967)
82 Young Widow Brown (1967)
83 John's Back in Town (1967)
84 Down Came the World (1967)
85 Mental Revenge (1967)
86 The Road (1967)
87 California Sunshine (1968)
88 Love of the Common People (1967)
89 You've Got to Hide Your Love Away (1967)
90 Lang's Mansion
91 Two Streaks of Steel (1967)
92 Don't Waste Your Time (1967)
93 It's All Over Now (1967)
94 The Chokin' Kind (1999)
95 Long Gone (1968)
96 The Chokin' Kind (1967)
97 Listen, They're Playing My Song (1967)
98 Destiny's Child (1967)

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