Wendyyy - Fèl Konfyans - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Wendyyy - Fèl Konfyans

Fèl Konfyans
Trust Fully
Menm si w nan lavi w pa chanse
Even if you see in your life you are not lucky
Menm si w tout sa w w pa vanse
Even if you see all you do does not advance
Menm si pwoblèm vle w panse a kòd la
Even if problems want to make you think about the rope
Rete konfyan e just panse a God la
Stay confident and just think about God
Li gen on plan pou ou,
He has a plan for you,
Menm si w tout moun kont ou l ap toujou pran pou ou
Even if you see everyone against you, he will always take for you
E pa janm give up menm si lavi gon w dan pou ou
And never give up even if life gives you teeth for you
Leve tèt ou rele l l ap toujou gen tan pou ou
Raise your head and call him, he will always have time for you
Just kontante w a sa w genyen frè m, kontante w de viv
Just be happy with what you have my brother, be happy to live
w pa ka Mennen frè m kontante w de swiv
When you can't lead my brother, be happy to follow
Kontante w de pe, kontante w de ou
Be happy with little, be happy with what you have
w pa ka posede frè m kontante w de kwiv
When you can't own gold my brother, be happy with copper
E pa fòse lavi frè m pran l nenpòt jan l vini
And don't force life my brother, take it any way it comes
Avni w gentan trase, pran l nenpòt jan l fini
Your future has already been drawn, take it any way it ends
Menm si w yo imilye w tout moun ap voye je sou ou
Even if you see they humiliate you, everyone will set their eyes on you
Pa bliye g on moun ki la k ap voye je sou ou. l konfyans .
Don't forget there is someone there who is watching over you. Trust him.
Menm si pwoblèm w anvi kriye
Even if problems make you want to cry
Menm si de w anvi bliye
Even if sometimes you want to forget
Gen on jan k va pou ou pou w briye
There is a way for you to shine
Just met jenou w atè pou w priye
Just kneel down to pray
l konfyans
Trust him
Menm si w ta nwa sikonstans w mande pann
Even if you see dark circumstances make you ask for failure
Met konfyans ou nan li paske w avni w an depann
Put your trust in him because your future depends on it
Menm si pa gen espwa pou sa w bezwen an tante prann
Even if there is no hope for what you need, try to take it
Konfye l tout sa w ap e tout sa w ap antreprann
Entrust him with everything you do and everything you undertake
l konfyans tout kote, l konfyans nan tout sans
Trust him everywhere, trust him in every sense
l konfyans w serye, l konfyans nan tout rans
Trust him when you are serious, trust him in everything
Se li k pou ba w soulajman w santi w nan soufrans
He is the one to give you relief when you feel in pain
E si li k ap travay w panse se kou chans
And if he is working when you think it's just luck
Li ba w mwayen pou w viv e gen sa ki pa gen yon goud
He gives you the means to live and there are those who don't have a dime
Chak jou ou bwè dlo e gen sa ki pa jwenn yon gout
Every day you drink water and there are those who can't get a drop
Li ka w ka manje on pen e gen sa ki pa jwenn yon bout
He can make you eat a loaf of bread and there are those who can't find a crumb
Met konfyans ou nan li e pa g on jou w ap jwenn you dout
Put your trust in him and there will never be a day when you will have any doubt
l ba ou l pa mezire, li ba ou nèt li pa prete w
When he gives you, he doesn't measure, he gives you neat, he doesn't lend you
satan vle kondane w, sèl li menm ki ka prete w
When satan wants to condemn you, he alone can lend to you
E menm w w echwe pa febli re eseye
And even when you see you fail, don't weaken, try again
Toujou ret konfyan menm w w dezespere. l konfyans.
Always stay confident even when you see you are desperate. Trust him.

Writer(s): Wendyyy Traka Tmg

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