Wings - Ranggi Metropolis - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Wings - Ranggi Metropolis

Ranggi Metropolis
Ranggi Metropolis
Saat ini di mana degupan ah
Right now, where is the beating? ah
Sehari sebulan setahun menunggu
Waiting every day, every month, every year
Datang ke kota simpang berjuta
Come to the city of a million crossroads
Apa tahu cari jalan pulang
Do you know how to find your way home?
Semakin dekat semakin jauh
Getting closer and further apart
Semakin hampir sampai penamat hilang
Nearly there, but the finish line disappears
Kita tahu bukannya ke mari
We know we shouldn't be here
Kabus asap timbul hilang tak menentu
The misty smoke appears and disappears erratically
Lorong-lorong hitam
Black hallways
Gelap berpelita
Bleak as a candle
Mana lorong terang
Where is the bright hallway?
Belum lagi jumpa
I have yet to find it
Berapa lama aku mencari
How long have I been searching?
Bulan belum jatuh lagi ke riba
The moon has yet to fall into your lap
Mana kenal apa itu jemu
How can I possibly know what weariness is?
Panas api yang mengalir di belakang
The heat of the fire races behind
Di lorong-lorong gelap
In the dark hallways
Cukup sekali datang
I've had enough
Luka sendiri membalut hati
The wounds you inflict heal my heart
Lantas terpatri di belakang mimpi
And are etched behind my dreams
Terlepas dari cengkaman hari
Released from the clutches of the day
Hanya debu berterbangan bebas
Only free-flying dust remains
Lorong-lorong sesak
Crowded hallways
Kerumun mangsa rosak
A gathering of the destroyed
Nafas degupan, ah
Breathing and beating, ah
Tak kontemporari ranggi
Not contemporary, ranggi
Semakin dekat semakin jauh
Getting closer and further apart
Semakin hampir sampai penamat hilang
Nearly there, but the finish line disappears
Kita tahu bukannya ke mari
We know we shouldn't be here
Kabus asap timbul hilang tak menentu
The misty smoke appears and disappears erratically
Di lorong-lorong hitam
In the black hallways
Gelap berpelita
Bleak as a candle
Mana lorong terang
Where is the bright hallway?
Belum lagi jumpa
I have yet to find it
Di lorong-lorong gelap
In the dark hallways
Cukup sekali datang
I've had enough
Nafas degupan, ah
Breathing and beating, ah
Tak kontemporari ranggi
Not contemporary, ranggi

Writer(s): Joe Wings, Masterpiece

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