Wongrey - Prepadnutá letenka - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Wongrey - Prepadnutá letenka

Prepadnutá letenka
Lost Ticket
Baby ty si preč a my dávno nie sme v hre
Baby, you're gone and we're long out of the game
A ja chcem skočiť do hry a urobiť v nej velký step
And I want to jump into the game and make a big step
Trochu zmenil som appearance vybral sa na inú way
I have changed my appearance a little, I have chosen a different way
Pomenil som štýly pop-punk rockstar.wongrey
I have changed my style to pop-punk rockstar.wongrey
Dneska Havana a cola pred tým popíjal som lean
Today Havana and cola, before that I was sipping lean
Dávno nepopujem pills no vo vrecku mám kokaín
I haven't popped pills for a long time, but I have cocaine in my pocket
Preto dopijem tu fľašu kým odpadnem nezaspím
That's why I'm going to finish this bottle until I pass out
A mi není ľúto že sa baby nezmením
And I don't regret not changing for you, baby
Ja som chcel byť iný baby chcel som preč
I wanted to be different, baby, I wanted to be gone
Pripravený nechať hudbu letieť Birmingham
Ready to let the music fly, Birmingham
Trochu sa to pokazilo ďalšie money spent
It got a little messed up, more money spent
A ja pochopil som kto som a som naspäť v hre
And I understood who I am, and I'm back in the game
Ja som chcel byť iný baby chcel som preč
I wanted to be different, baby, I wanted to be gone
Pripravený nechať hudbu letieť Birmingham
Ready to let the music fly, Birmingham
Trochu sa to pokazilo ďalšie money spent
It got a little messed up, more money spent
A ja pochopil som kto som a som naspäť v hre
And I understood who I am, and I'm back in the game
A od prvej show Hopkirk Bratislava baby super cold
And from the first show Hopkirk Bratislava, baby super cold
Som zamiloval som sa no ona mi dala fold
I fell in love, but she gave me a fold
Zase vo mne horí to zase čúzam horí dom
Again, it burns in me, again, the house burns
Zasa ráno odídem som naspäť kde vždy som bol
Again, in the morning I will leave, I am back where I always was
Pošlem Ti vstupy na koncert príď pozrieť ako padám
I'll send you tickets to the concert, come and see me fall
A je mi kurva dobre od kedy si znova sama
And I feel fucking good since you're alone again
A je vážne divné písať od kedy ma nenapadá
And it's really weird to write since you don't come to my mind
Že sa chcem k tebe vrátiť ale to je nová dráma
That I want to come back to you, but that's a new drama
Dneska Havana a cola pred tým popíjal som lean
Today Havana and cola, before that I was sipping lean
Dávno nepopujem pills no vo vrecku mám kokaín
I haven't popped pills for a long time, but I have cocaine in my pocket
Preto dopijem tu fľašu kým odpadnem nezaspím
That's why I'm going to finish this bottle until I pass out
A mi není ľúto že sa baby nezmením
And I don't regret not changing for you, baby
Ja som chcel byť iný baby chcel som preč
I wanted to be different, baby, I wanted to be gone
Pripravený nechať hudbu letieť Birmingham
Ready to let the music fly, Birmingham
Trochu sa to pokazilo ďalšie money spent
It got a little messed up, more money spent
A ja pochopil som kto som a som naspäť v hre
And I understood who I am, and I'm back in the game
Ja som chcel byť iný baby chcel som preč
I wanted to be different, baby, I wanted to be gone
Pripravený nechať hudbu letieť Birmingham
Ready to let the music fly, Birmingham
Trochu sa to pokazilo ďalšie money spent
It got a little messed up, more money spent
A ja pochopil som kto som a som naspäť v hre
And I understood who I am, and I'm back in the game

Writer(s): Tomáš Kuchtanin

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