Wurzel 5 - Wäge dä Joints (Pablo Nouvelle Remix) - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Wurzel 5 - Wäge dä Joints (Pablo Nouvelle Remix)

Wäge dä Joints (Pablo Nouvelle Remix)
Weigh the Joints (Pablo Nouvelle Remix)
öppär muäss ja schliässläch d schud si sisch wägä de joints
Someone must be to blame, It’s because of the joints
Jedi krisä wo usbricht isch wägä de joints
Every crisis that erupts is because of the joints
Isch ä wäutchriäg in ussischt ischs wägä de joints
It’s a world war outside, it’s because of the joints
üsi schibä niä ufligt u i schiäbä schiss uftritt
Our record never takes off and I put out shit tracks
Muäss ja schliässläch öppr d schud si sisch wägä de joints
Someone must be to blame, It’s because of the joints
Jedi krisä wo usbricht isch wägä de joints
Every crisis that erupts is because of the joints
Isch ä wäutchriäg in ussischt ischs wägä de joints
It’s a world war outside, it’s because of the joints
U i rappe für d homes ds isch wäge de joints
And I rap for the homeboys, It’s because of the joints
Joints si bausam für ds gedächnis sorgä für glasklars
Joints are good for your memory, provide crystal clear
Verständnis unendbehrläch wi im autag
Understanding, as indispensable as in everyday life
Dr cash isch chasch abschaute u wäg isch dr stress
The cash is gone, copied, and stress is gone
Uf jede fau o im rapbuissenes ä stützä ä fitnessprütze
In any case, also in the rap business, a pillar, a fitness boost
Vor muttär natur u ä coffechop
Before Mother Nature and a coffee shop
Isch no ä gsundä chraftrum u di wunderts
It's still a healthy stimulant, and you wonder
Warum sisch wägä de joints bisch am fastfood
Why you are at the fast food because of the joints
Vrfauä wi d haschburä ar hauä geischi chraftrum
Consuming as if the hamburgers were spiritual stimulants
Um gfauä ds finde bi de frauä schrib dr ds mau
To find it with women, you write it behind your ears this time
Hingär d ohrä türsteher wosch im rampälicht
Bouncers where you stand in the limelight
Stah highlight vom abä dri z schla
Stand highlight of the evening, go to sleep there
Klar närvds mi hurä wenn si fahrlässig schnurä
Of course it annoys me when they talk carelessly
Chönnt wettä einisch dräi dürä u nimmä kettäsägi
Could bet, go through three times and no more chainsaw
Fürä u du wosch topmodel wärdä
For it and you would become a top model
90 60 90 u magrsüchtig
90 60 90 and anorexic
Angärs louft hüt ächt nüt ischs fragwürdig?
Otherwise nothing really works today, is it questionable?
öppär muäss ja schliässläch d schud si sisch wägä de joints
Someone must be to blame, It’s because of the joints
Jedi krisä wo usbricht isch wägä de joints
Every crisis that erupts is because of the joints
Isch ä wäutchriäg in ussischt ischs wägä de joints
It’s a world war outside, it’s because of the joints
üsi schibä niä ufligt u i schiäbä schiss uftritt
Our record never takes off and I put out shit tracks
Muäss ja schliässläch öppr d schud si sisch wägä de joints
Someone must be to blame, It’s because of the joints
Jedi krisä wo usbricht isch wägä de joints
Every crisis that erupts is because of the joints
Isch ä wäutchriäg in ussischt ischs wägä de joints
It’s a world war outside, it’s because of the joints
U i rappe für d homes ds isch wäge de joints
And I rap for the homeboys, It’s because of the joints
Im hütigä zytautär geits drungär u drüber
In today's age, there is pressure from above and beyond
Viu hei müä mit schritt hautä u gumpä for brügg
Many have to go fast and jump for bridges
Landä ir klinik odr ungär züg
Land in the clinic or under the train
Nüt aus schicksau wär wundrds hüt
Nothing out of bad luck, who would be surprised today
Scho ir highscool loufäsi übr lichä u o im ämmitau
Already in high school they walk over corpses and also in the office
Dräiä si im rotä berich u scheiss louft
They are in the red and the shit is running
Scho am morgä im tv u kids wüssä nüm was wahri
Already in the morning on TV and kids no longer know what real
Vorbiudr si drum rütschä si ab i di
Role models are, so they slip into the
Rächtsextremi szene odr sprützäsäch mit
Right-wing extremist scene or injecting themselves with
16i id wenä äs git nüt wos nid git
16 in the veins, there is nothing that doesn't exist
Auäs isch mögläch zur hütigä zyt drum
Everything is possible these days, so
Si sekte im ufwind wi auk u sigarettä
Sects are on the rise like alcohol and cigarettes
Bi schuhchind machsch dini connections übr bluewin im internet
At Schuhchind you make your connections via Bluewin on the Internet
A sms-partys fingt sis tussy
At SMS parties, the tussy is found
Dr hingärletscht yo s isch wägä de joints
The last yo, it's because of the joints
öppär muäss ja schliässläch d schud si sisch wägä de joints
Someone must be to blame, It’s because of the joints
Jedi krisä wo usbricht isch wägä de joints
Every crisis that erupts is because of the joints
Isch ä wäutchriäg in ussischt ischs wägä de joints
It’s a world war outside, it’s because of the joints
üsi schibä niä ufligt u i schiäbä schiss uftritt
Our record never takes off and I put out shit tracks
Muäss ja schliässläch öppr d schud si sisch wägä de joints
Someone must be to blame, It’s because of the joints
Jedi krisä wo usbricht isch wägä de joints
Every crisis that erupts is because of the joints
Isch ä wäutchriäg in ussischt ischs wägä de joints
It’s a world war outside, it’s because of the joints
U i rappe für d homes ds isch wäge de joints
And I rap for the homeboys, It’s because of the joints
Ds chops dr schnoutz wichtigär isch aus irä uftrag
That the chops, the snout is more important than a mission
Ds weisch kids luägä top of the pops wenn's um
You know that, kids watch Top of the Pops when it comes to
D husufgabä geit du machsch a uslandreis uf thailand
Homework, you go on a trip abroad to Thailand
Um di kultutel la witr z biudä di wahri liäbi zfindä
To further expand the culture, to find true love
Ds ganzä bizz ufäm srassästrich
The whole business on the street
Isch ganz klar ungär dr gürtuliniä u när
Is clearly below the belt line and when you have
Bisch familiävater stammgast u seisch
Are a family man, a regular, and you say
Du würdisch niä im läbä chasch kem me richtig id augä luägä
You would never in your life be able to look them in the eye
Jedä isch säch säubr z wichtig ke vrtrouä umä
Everyone is important to themselves, no trust around it
Scheiss isch nid witzig chaschsmrs gloubä junge
The shit is not funny, believe me boy
äs isch wägä joints ds svp im vormarsch
It's because of the joints that the SVP is on the rise
Isch wi skins du heschs vrgassä wi vouchlatsch
It's like skins, you forgot how the bird shit
Bisch u übrlasch ds wählä am vouk vom stammtisch
You are and leave the election to the people from the regulars' table
äs isch wägä de joints ds glimau ke gsundi wäudr me git
It's because of the joints that the climate is no longer healthy
Uf de schwizär bankä nur korrupti gäudr ligä
Only corrupt money lies on the Swiss banks
dritä wäutchriäg git sigte äs fäut dr shit
The third world war is in sight, the shit is missing
öppär muäss ja schliässläch d schud si sisch wägä de joints
Someone must be to blame, It’s because of the joints
Jedi krisä wo usbricht isch wägä de joints
Every crisis that erupts is because of the joints
Isch ä wäutchriäg in ussischt ischs wägä de joints
It’s a world war outside, it’s because of the joints
üsi schibä niä ufligt u i schiäbä schiss uftritt
Our record never takes off and I put out shit tracks
Muäss ja schliässläch öppr d schud si sisch wägä de joints
Someone must be to blame, It’s because of the joints
Jedi krisä wo usbricht isch wägä de joints
Every crisis that erupts is because of the joints
Isch ä wäutchriäg in ussischt ischs wägä de joints
It’s a world war outside, it’s because of the joints
U i rappe für d homes ds isch wäge de joints
And I rap for the homeboys, It’s because of the joints

Writer(s): Alexander Heidekker, Pierrot Bissegger

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