XELL! - PGN300 - translation of the lyrics into English

PGN300 - XELL!translation in English

Bendeki saf yetenek wombo kombo
The pure talent within me, a wombo combo
Hedefimiz yüksek hep like Toronto
Our aim is high, always like Toronto
Rakip olamaz ligim el lord of
You can't compete, my league, the lord of hand
Bitiririm iki kelimede seni non stop
I'll finish you off in two words, non-stop, girl
Ouboy vo oy Xell bi kovboy
Ouboy vo oy Xell be cowboy
Avlarım hepsini yeter ki bol koy
I hunt them all, just give me plenty, honey
Durmadan sıkar bu piyasa çok toy
This market keeps shooting, it's so naive
Okumadan edebiyat hepsi Tolstoy
Without reading literature, they're all Tolstoy
Nas tribi sal sana dandini dastan
I'll throw a nas tribe at you, a dandini dastan
Kantara tart bunu kaldıramazsan
Weigh this on the kantara, if you can handle it
Yok çekemez beni saldırır haspam
You can't take me, my sworn enemy attacks
Fazla kasma dayı manitanız hastam
Don't flex too much, man, your girl is my patient
Anlat masal sadistik kasa
Tell a tale, sadistic safe
Nişantaşı'nda düştün taşa
Did you trip on a stone in Nişantaşı?
İki sene Sarıgöl iki sene Buca
Two years Sarıgöl, two years Buca
Kontak İzmir Eşrefpaşa
Contact Izmir, Eşrefpaşa
(Eşrefpaşa - pa pa pa - gr gr gr)
(Eşrefpaşa - pa pa pa - gr gr gr)
Full siyah ceket bi maske taktın
Full black jacket, you put on a mask
Korkutamaz beni sahte yaşantın
Your fake life can't scare me, girl
Bugüne kadar kime denk geldiysek
Whoever we've come across so far
Hakkını verdik kalmasın aklın
We gave them what they deserved, don't worry
Bizdeki dil seni oyar geçer bra
The language we have will carve you and pass, bra
En ta*aklı bıçaktan da keskin
Sharper than the sharpest knife, sweetheart
Kalabalık dolaşsan ne fark eder
What difference does it make if you roll deep
En sonunda bak mezarda teksin
In the end, look, you're alone in the grave
Kralına bile bi saate rastlar
I can even meet your king in an hour
Sonrası cildine yakın temaslar
Then close contact with your skin, darling
Full takım olsun Northface tamam da
Full Northface outfit, okay, but
Kurtaramaz seni bi santim astar
The lining won't save you an inch, babe
Gülü sevmesen de dikenine bascan
Even if you don't like the rose, you'll step on its thorns
Bu yoldan dönenin hakkı kötektir
Anyone who turns back from this path deserves a beating
Tut elinde tut bırakma tedbir
Hold on tight, don't let go of caution
Duyacağın son şey olabilir tekbir
Tekbir might be the last thing you hear
Taktik yok tiraj değil didaktik
No tactics, not circulation, didactic
Sen Tiktok'tan izle pratik
You watch it on Tiktok, practice
Tabi sekmez mermi plastik
Of course the bullet won't ricochet, it's plastic
Otantik flowum harbi spastik
My authentic flow is really spastic
Sana paslamam bende aslar
I won't pass to you, I have aces
Üç kişi bi gece de semte rastlar
Three people, one night, they encounter the neighborhood
Sentetik takım bi saate şaşlar
Synthetic suits will be surprised in an hour
Üzerime gelirsen parti başlar
If you come at me, the party starts
Bi kere çıkar yola arkama bakmam
Once I set out, I don't look back
Sonunu görmeden peşini bırakmam
I won't let go until I see the end
Zora sokmam yakın temastan yanayım
I don't make things difficult, I'm into close contact
Şahsen diyalog uzatmam
Personally, I don't prolong dialogue
Bunu bil bra ona göre davran
Know this, bra, act accordingly
Yolumuzu kirletebilir kadavran
Your corpse might pollute our path
Xell bağımlı hyper ritime
Xell is addicted to hyper rhythm
Bu i*neler pregabaline
These needles are pregabalin

Writer(s): Emre Kocatürk

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