Xhelazz con ToteKing - Estamos rayados - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Xhelazz con ToteKing - Estamos rayados

Estamos rayados
We're Stressed Out
Tote King]: A ver que te pasa?
[Tote King]: What's wrong with you?
[Xhelazz]: Nada nada
[Xhelazz]: Nothing, nothing.
[Tote King]: Estas rallao o que?
[Tote King]: Are you stressed out or something?
[Xhelazz]: No no, que no estoy enfadao ni naa... es que yo soy así
[Xhelazz]: No, no, I'm not angry or anything... it's just how I am.
[Tote King]: Ahh ok
[Tote King]: Ahh ok.
[Tote King]
[Tote King]
Entérate, a nosotros no nos gusta esto hermano, solo vivimos aquí...
Get in, bro, we don't like this, we only live here...
Piropos de obrero, con tol derecho del mundo invaden las calles
Construction worker's compliments, with all the right in the world, invade the streets.
Inquietan la mentes de parejas dejás pa que tengan detalles,
They disturb the minds of abandoned couples so they have details to tell,
Dejad que subraye, no hay mejoras,
Let me emphasize, there are no improvements,
Dos años de relación, se lo lleva otro en dos horas
Two years of relationship, another one takes it in two hours.
El desencanto, el pelo blanco,
Disenchantment, white hair,
Si yo no se la fecha, ¿por que saben mi santo?, no sepas tanto ...
If I don't know the date, why do they know my saint? Don't know so much ...
El odio es como el agua, llega a todas las costas
Hatred is like water, it reaches all shores,
Y los sentimientos son tapones que se pasan de rosca
And feelings are corks that are overtightened.
El timbre de mi voz llama a tu puerta, soy crítico a conciencia
The ring of my voice knocks on your door, I am a conscientious critic.
Cojeéis el coche bebido si el carnet por puntos es un fracaso
Get in the car drunk if the points license is a failure.
En autoescuelas tendrían que enseñar a conducir borrachos.
Driving schools should teach drunk driving.
¡que bodrio!, si el hombre desciende del mono
What a drag! If man descends from monkey,
La sociedad desciende del mono-polio.
Society descends from monopoly.
Taparos los oídos, no escuchéis lo que rezan
Cover your ears, don't listen to what they pray.
Si el cura habla de sexo... shh... ponte un condón en cada oreja
If the priest talks about sex... shh... put a condom in each ear.
[Tote King]
[Tote King]
Si te gusta perrear y guarrear con to las tipas
If you like to dance and mess with all the chicks,
No te puedes cabrear si perrean a tu hermana chica!
You can't be pissed if they do the same to your little sister!
No eres un hombre, escribes mu feo, no te creo
You are not a man, you write very ugly, I don't believe you.
Escuchad al Xhelazz, visitad un museo.
Listen to Xhelazz, visit a museum.
¿No lo veis tonto? yo me distingo, te extingo
Don't you see, fool? I distinguish myself, I extinguish you.
¿Quien necesita un MySpace? nos anuncia Telecinco...
Who needs a MySpace? Telecinco announces us...
Aquí es distinto, la cárcel parece broma
It's different here, jail seems like a joke.
Salen rectos kies orgullosos con su diploma
Proud Kies come out straight with their diploma.
También es criminal quien mata una sonrisa
He who kills a smile is also a criminal.
Sonrían, fíjense en algunos Mc's
Smile, look at some MC's.
Exhiben poses de chungos en fotografías
They strike monkey poses in photographs.
Tienen cara de no haber dicho un Te Quiero en toda su vida.
They look like they've never said I love you in their lives.
Los Rappers-Fashion me llaman Hippy
Rappers-Fashion call me a Hippy.
Los hippys me llaman Rapper-Fashion
Hippies call me Rapper-Fashion.
Vaya situacion mas desagradable. ¿así es la gente?)
What an unpleasant situation. (Is that how people are?)
Pues Toterreno y Xhik, Xhik, Xhelazz critican todo porque todo es criticable...
Well, Toterreno and Xhik, Xhik, Xhelazz criticize everything because everything is criticizable...
[Estribillo] (x2)
[Chorus] (x2)
Estamos rayados con los demás...
We're stressed out with others...
Nos rayamos nosotros mismos, la verdad...
We stress ourselves out, the truth is...
Es que esto... mmm... bah!
It's just that this... mmm... bah!
Poco me parece bien, mucho me parece mal
Little seems good to me, much seems bad to me.
Todo el mundo no se fía de todo el mundo
Everyone doesn't trust everyone.
Por ligotear te expones a que te rechacen muchas veces al día
By flirting you expose yourself to being rejected many times a day.
No ser bisexual me da una alegría...
Not being bisexual gives me joy...
¿Sabes lo duro que debe ser que te rechacen los tíos y las tías?
Do you know how hard it must be to be rejected by guys and girls?
Beber en exceso, malo, Fumar en exceso malo, follar en exceso (dificil)
Drinking too much, bad, Smoking too much, bad, fucking too much (difficult).
Paso de repipis que te hablan de política en el desayuno...
I don't like hippies talking to you about politics at breakfast...
No saben que un político habla en varios idiomas y no piensa con ninguno
They don't know that a politician speaks several languages and doesn't think with any of them.
[Tote King]
[Tote King]
Danos tus millones y seremos rayaos ricos ¿que te voy a decir?
Give us your millions and we'll be rich bastards, what can I tell you?
¿El cambio climático nos mata? no tengo coche, no será por mi...
Climate change kills us? I don't have a car, it won't be because of me...
Maldigo tu ignorancia
I curse your ignorance.
Empresarios de aquí abusando de inmigrantes, así acabaran quemaos como Francia
Businessmen from here abusing immigrants, they will end up burned like France.
El niño quiere jugar, dale importancia, no artes marciales
The child wants to play, give him importance, not martial arts.
Ya es suficiente un cole con detectores de metales...
A school with metal detectors is enough...
Patria os odio, a todas, ¡he visto a todas!
Homeland, I hate you all, I've seen you all!
El único alumno con algo de gracia es el que canta Vorat.
The only student with any grace is the one who sings Vorat.
Solo somos sombras claro que lo somos, colega
We are only shadows, of course we are, buddy.
La sombra no se moja, la sombra no se quema
The shadow does not get wet, the shadow does not burn.
Que claro quede a la SGAE le gustaría cobrarla a la luna...
Let it be clear to SGAE that they would like to charge the moon...
Solo por tener forma de CD...
Just for being CD-shaped...
La tía más buena no es la que falda mas corta lleve
The best girl is not the one who wears the shortest skirt.
El grupo mas bueno, no es el que mas discos vende, entiéndeme
The best band is not the one that sells the most records, you understand me.
Tu puedes pensar quien soy yo para decir esto
You can think who I am to say this.
Yo puedo pensar, quien eres tu para decírmelo
I can think who you are to tell me.
[Tote King]
[Tote King]
Aquí vamos, escribiendo en hoteles, viajando
Here we go, writing in hotels, traveling.
Se enciende la tele y tos preguntan: ¿Quien sa sentao en el mando?
The TV turns on and you all ask: Who sat on the remote?
Locales con tías en la barra bailando, tu entras pagando
Places with girls dancing at the bar, you enter paying.
Yo ni pagándome entraría, por dios ¡Me deprimís tanto!
I wouldn't even go in if I paid, my god, you depress me so much!
Lo llaman Planeta Miseria, venga, vayan pasando
They call it Planet Misery, come on in.
Van a encontrarse marrones en la corteza, el núcleo, el manto...
You will find browns in the crust, the core, the mantle...
Estamos quemando neuronas, simplemente observando
We are burning neurons, simply observing.
Ven nuestra cara en la fiesta, no nos pasa na, estamos pensando
See our face at the party, nothing happens to us, we are thinking.
[Estribillo] (x2)
[Chorus] (x2)
Estamos rayados con los demás...
We're stressed out with others...
Nos rayamos nosotros mismos, la verdad...
We stress ourselves out, the truth is...
Es que esto... mmm... bah!
It's just that this... mmm... bah!
Poco me parece bien, mucho me parece mal
Little seems good to me, much seems bad to me.
Estamos rayados con los demás...
We're stressed out with others...
Nos rayamos nosotros mismos, la verdad...
We stress ourselves out, the truth is...
Es que esto... mmm... bah!
It's just that this... mmm... bah!
- Te has desahogado, ¿no te sientes mejor?
- You let it all out, don't you feel better?
- ¡No!
- No!
- Venga tío, ¿qué coño te pasa?, ¿cual es tu problema?
- Come on, dude, what the hell is wrong with you? What's your problem?
- ¡Esta vida!, ¿por qué llevo esta vida?
- This life! Why am I living this life?
- ¿Quieres culpar a alguien?, ¡Pues cúlpate a ti mismo!
- Do you want to blame someone? Well, blame yourself!

Writer(s): Manuel González Rodríguez, Mario Celimendiz Rodellar, Rubén Cuevas García

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