Xindl X - Čas to zabalit - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Xindl X - Čas to zabalit

Čas to zabalit
Time to pack it up
Zdá se mi, že přišla doba milý,
It seems to me that the time has come, my darling,
Kdy je čas to zabalit.
When it's time to pack it up.
Vždyť tolik věcí jsme si slíbili,
After all, we promised each other so many things,
Co ještě jsme si nedali.
That we still haven't given each other.
Vím, že na světe je lidí 7 miliard a my se jednou v tom davu našli.
I know that there are 7 billion people in the world and we once found each other in that crowd.
S touhletou myšlenkou chci to zabalit a dát na to mašli.
With this thought, I want to wrap it up and put a ribbon on it.
Jsme jak to pápěří na bodláku,
We're like the thistledown on a thistle,
Rozvátý do velkejch dálek.
Blown away into the great distances.
Chci vás mít blíž, aspoň na dálku,
I want to have you closer, at least from a distance,
Když najdete pod stromkem dárek.
When you find a present under the tree.
Vím, že v roce je dní přes 360 a jen jeden, kdy opět jsme spolu.
I know that there are over 360 days in a year and only one day when we're together again.
Alespoň v duchu, když ne pod jednou střechou, u jednoho stolu
At least in spirit, if not under one roof, at one table
Jsme jak komety, co se v letu minuly,
We are like comets, which, although they missed each other in flight,
Na věky změnily svý dráhy.
Changed their orbits forever.
jsme v dálce, tak nezačínáme od nuly.
Although we are far away, we are not starting from scratch.
Držíme si palce, dál jsme si drahý.
We keep our fingers crossed, we are still dear to each other.
Život náš plyne si dál v rytmu valčíku a někdy pádí v rytmu ča-či.
Our life flows on in the rhythm of a waltz and sometimes races along in the rhythm of a cha-cha.
Spolu si užijme tuhletu muziku, nehledě na boty, který tlačí.
Let's enjoy this music together, regardless of the shoes that pinch.
Vím, že na světě je uší 14 miliard a jen málo z těch uší se slyší.
I know that there are 14 billion ears in the world, and only a few of those ears can hear.
Snad tón varhan od Betléma začne hrát, zas budem si bližší.
Perhaps when the organ tone from Bethlehem starts to play, we will be closer again.
Jsme jak komety, co se v letu minuly.
We are like comets that, although they missed each other in flight.
Na věky změnily svý dráhy.
Changed their orbits forever.
jsme v dálce, tak nezačínáme od nuly.
Although we are far away, we are not starting from scratch.
Držíme si palce, dál jsme si drahý.
We keep our fingers crossed, we are still dear to each other.
Zdá se mi, že přišla doba milý,
It seems to me that the time has come, my darling,
Kdy je čas to zabalit.
When it's time to pack it up.
Roztančit hvězdy na jadřincích jablek a svíčky na skořápkách zapálit.
Dance the stars on apple cores and light candles on eggshells.
Vím, že na světe je lidí 7 miliard
I know that there are 7 billion people in the world
A my se jednou v tom davu potkali.
And we once met in that crowd.
Tak na to myslete, zas přijde čas, čas to rozbalit.
So think about it when the time comes again, time to unpack it.
Jsme jak komety, co se v letu minuly,
We are like comets that, although they missed each other in flight,
Na věky změnily svý dráhy,
Changed their orbits forever,
jsme v dálce, tak nezačínáme od nuly,
Although we are far away, we are not starting from scratch,
Držíme si palce, dál jsme si drahý.
We keep our fingers crossed, we are still dear to each other.

Writer(s): Ondřej Ládek

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