Yenic - FLUTURI 2 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Yenic - FLUTURI 2

A trecut deja un timp de cand nu ne-am mai vorbit
It's been a while since we last talked
Mai exact 5 luni de zile dar totusi ne-am mai simtit
To be exact, 5 months, but we still felt it
Te-am cantat ca imi doream sa te-ntorci in bratele mele
I sang about you because I wanted you back in my arms
Cum sa-ti uit ochii caprui ce candva-mi dadeau putere
How could I forget your brown eyes that once gave me strength
Dupa atatea piese-n care te-am cantat, tu te-ai intors
After so many songs where I sang about you, you're back
Bun venit in casa mea inima mea ti-e adapost
Welcome to my house, my heart is your shelter
Pentru sufletul tau cald ce-a topit aripi de fluturi
For your warm soul that melted butterfly wings
Dragostea cu nabadai si iubirea cu saruturi
Love with mischief and love with kisses
Au stiut ca sa renasca dragoste in permanenta
They knew how to revive love permanently
Nu vreau multe de la viata vreau doar simpla ta prezenta
I don't want much from life, I just want your simple presence
Fericit ca in final ti-ai dat seama ca destinul
Happy that you finally realized that destiny
Ne-aduce iar impreuna constient ca nu e simplu
Brings us together again, knowing it's not simple
Povesti pe aripi de fluturi sa ne zboare pana la sfinti
Stories on butterfly wings to fly us to the saints
Dragostea si cu respectul luate de la parinti
Love and respect taken from our parents
Vreau de-acum sa-mi fii iubire iar cand tot in jur e gri
From now on I want you to be my love, and when everything around is gray
Dragostea pe-aripi de fluturi sa ramana zi de zi
Love on butterfly wings should remain day by day
Pe aripi de fluturi
On butterfly wings
Recunosc ca am momente in care-s prea dificil
I admit I have moments when I'm too difficult
Da ma faci in preajma ta sa iubesc ca un copil
But you make me love like a child around you
Sa zambesc la o privire cu care vrei sa-mi vorbesti
To smile at a look with which you want to talk to me
Ca de-acum si zi si noapte esti gata sa ma iubesti
Because from now on, day and night, you're ready to love me
Desi-am renuntat un timp pentru ca luptam intre noi
Although I gave up for a while because we were fighting among ourselves
Cand n-am reusit sa trag ai tras tu pentru-amandoi
When I couldn't pull, you pulled for both of us
Dragostea nu-i garantia c-o relatie va dura
Love is not a guarantee that a relationship will last
Dar cat timp seman iubire, sper c-asta voi recolta
But as long as I sow love, I hope I will harvest it
Certuri vor mai fi cu timpu da tot ce-i mai important
There will be quarrels, but the most important thing
E sa le vorbim la timp nu sa zicem ca n-a contat
Is to talk about them in time, not to say it didn't matter
Azi o cearta maine doua sa nu se-ajunga la trei
Today a quarrel, tomorrow two, so that it doesn't reach three
Poate peste ani de zile, mama copiilor mei
Maybe in years, the mother of my children
Mi-as dori sa imi zambesti peste ani ca-n prima zi
I would like you to smile at me years later like on the first day
Sa fiu in spatele tau cand va fi negru sau gri
To be behind you when it's black or gray
Totodata as vrea sa fii si cand voi ajunge batran
I would also like you to be there when I become old
Pentru ca-n bratele tale azi am puterea sa plang
Because in your arms today I have the strength to cry
Pe aripi de fluturi
On butterfly wings

Writer(s): Ienciu Florin

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