Young Kids - Orgullo - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Young Kids - Orgullo

Hetero, lesbiana, transexual o gay
Straight, lesbian, transsexual or gay
Que nadie te diga lo que debes ser
Don't let anyone tell you what you should be
El amor al odio tiene que vencer
Love has to conquer hate
Y a ver si se curan los que no lo ven
And let's see if those who don't see it get cured
Persigue tus sueños
Follow your dreams
Tu no tienes dueño
You don't belong to anyone
Lucha por ser libre
Fight to be free
Y estate orgullosa de sentirte bien
And be proud of feeling good
Persigue tus sueños
Follow your dreams
Tu no tienes dueño
You don't belong to anyone
Lucha por ser libre
Fight to be free
Y estate orgullosa de sentirte bien
And be proud of feeling good
Tu infancia muy dura ha debido de ser
Your childhood must have been very hard
Familia y amigos, ¿Lo van a entender?
Family and friends, will they understand?
Salir del agujero tan fácil no es.
Getting out of the hole is not so easy
Solo los valientes lo pueden hacer.
Only the brave can do it
Persigue tus sueños
Follow your dreams
Tu no tienes dueño
You don't belong to anyone
Lucha por ser libre
Fight to be free
Y estate orgullosa de sentirte bien
And be proud of feeling good

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