YoungQueenz - 世界中心 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation YoungQueenz - 世界中心

Center of the world
灰冷嘅角落 世界嘅中心
Gray cold corner center of the world
With endless regrets and falls betrayal and loyalty
醉生夢死嘅終日 罪滲入所有光陰
Days of drunken debauchery sin seeping into all time
每當我合上雙眼World仍然一片衝突 (WORD...)
Every time I close my eyes the World is still a conflict (WORD...)
陷入世界同世界裂縫 濫情同烈欲 無數傷口滲漏未曾接縫
Caught in the cracks of the world and the world excessive passion and lust countless wounds seep and have never been stitched up
失神嘅面容 半空舉杯慶祝將嘅滅亡
Lost face in the void toast in mid-air to the demise of the party
失神嘅世界 我地放盪因為再無天堂
The world is lost we are dissolute because there is no more heaven
原諒我癲狂 we just tryna live 嘗試保留住一點溫暖 嘴邊流一絲謊言 to who we love
Heaven forgive my madness we just tryna live trying to keep a little warmth a lie on our lips to who we love
不眠城市邊個裝眠 又轉輾反側
Who is pretending to sleep on the edge of the sleepless city
係車廂內靠窗少年嘅憂鬱 係偷情後男女空虛嘅笑臉
It's the sadness of the boy by the window in the carriage it's the empty smiles of men and women after an affair
憂心嘅婦人跳簷 mo' fucker 嘅城市大做文章 卻冇標點 停留腳步呼吸
A worried woman jumps off the eaves mo' fucker the city makes a big fuss but no punctuation stop take a breath
God it's all drugs, yes we all drunk
God it's all drugs, yes we all drunk
絕望嘅邊緣 買醉 臉嵌入嘔吐物
On the edge of despair getting drunk face buried in vomit
自虐卻不能自拔 示弱非生命之一
Self-destructive but unable to extricate oneself weakness is not part of life
Rampant unspoken words breed debauchery there is none other
假如你眼睛會笑 又會講乜野說話
If your eyes could laugh what would they say
假如空氣再有光 就請往黑暗刺吧
If there is light in the air please stab into the darkness
灰冷嘅角落 世界嘅中心
Gray cold corner center of the world
With endless regrets and falls betrayal and loyalty
醉生夢死嘅終日 罪滲入所有光陰
Days of drunken debauchery sin seeping into all time
每當我合上雙眼World仍然一片衝突 (WORD...)
Every time I close my eyes the World is still a conflict (WORD...)
活係從此冇結局嘅年代 時間嘅膠囊 三分鐘熱度後 邂逅 離開
Living in an era with no end time capsule three minutes of passion after meeting leave
被愛 同愛 被害 同害 習慣成自然 can't you feel it?
Being loved and loving being hurt and hurting getting used to it can't you feel it?
私慾懷上胎就生出罪 未曾夭折
Private desire conceives and gives birth to sin never aborted
請靜待 當外面世界漫渙迷離 失去左正確
Please wait while the outside world is misty and confused and has lost its way
玻璃倒映你同迷城 赤裸嘅寂寞
The glass reflects you and the lost city naked loneliness
盛載住所有意識 生命只係一次性
Holding all consciousness life is only one time
空虛嘅夜市 (夜 使) 每個人只想有一次性
Empty night market (night used) everyone just wants to have a one-night stand
係墮落中呼喚愛 世界 愉歡換愛
Calling for love in the midst of depravity the world love in exchange for pleasure
萬惡之根移植盆栽 忘情水灌溉住我地 lost in love 但情慾卻多的是
The root of all evil is transplanted into a flowerpot watered with water of oblivion lost in love but there is more desire
當有嘅都痛失 你會否求多一次: 'God, refresh our memories; forgive our enemies
When you lose everything will you ask for one more time: 'God, refresh our memories; forgive our enemies
To disappear into the sea of people will be easier than a drop of water
係每個人嘅眼 我聽到城市嘅憂傷
In everyone's eyes I hear the city's sadness
霓虹燈再閃爍 打亂所有人嘅影同傷
Neon lights flicker again disrupting everyone's shadows and wounds

Writer(s): Youngqueenz

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