ZPU - Velatorio - translation of the lyrics into English

Velatorio - ZPUtranslation in English

Dicen que era un ángel
They say they were an angel,
Que tenía un gran corazón,
That they had a big heart,
Que era un polizón del barco de la vida,
A stowaway on the ship of life,
Que vestía un armazón.
Wearing a fragile frame.
Tras un tropezón se alzaba, resurgía,
After a stumble, they'd rise again, resurface,
Que era un cabezón, tenía el don de dar si sonreía.
A stubborn soul, with the gift of giving through a smile.
Lo hacía con los ojos; ya quedan pocos de esos.
They did it with their eyes; there are few left like that.
Su enojo era una brizna comparado con sus besos.
Their anger was a breeze compared to their kisses.
Si alguna vez rozaron sus mejillas o sus labios,
If you ever brushed their cheeks or lips,
Desaparecieron las rencillas, llantos, los agravios.
Quarrels, tears, grievances vanished.
Dicen que era mágico,
They say they were magical,
Un genio de versos trágicos
A genius of tragic verses,
Que le entregó su vida al papel sin condiciones.
Who gave their life to paper unconditionally.
¿Si le pudo el pánico? Abanicó las dudas.
Did panic overcome them? They fanned away doubts.
Que sus ataduras mas duras forjaron sus canciones.
Their harshest bonds forged their songs.
Que nunca dio lecciones de engreído, ni consejos,
They never gave arrogant lessons, nor advice,
Que en sus oraciones siempre alejó los falsos reflejos.
In their prayers, they always cast away false reflections.
Si dejó algo fue a mismo junto a sus valores,
If they left anything, it was themself, along with their values,
Dicen que amaba las flores, que siempre se van los mejores.
They say they loved flowers, that the best always leave.
Que charlaba con la luna y con el sol,
That they chatted with the moon and the sun,
Que su nunca era una cuna de botellas de alcohol.
That their "never" was a cradle of alcohol bottles.
Su vacuna fue la ayuda de allegados más próximos,
Their vaccine was the help of their closest ones,
Su código una cura para lograr sus propósitos.
Their code, a cure to achieve their goals.
Y que siempre estuvo para echar un cable,
And they were always there to lend a hand,
Que era un indomable y echaba de menos a su padre.
An indomitable spirit who missed their father.
Que fue un sable contra el miserable y el arpío,
They were a saber against the wretched and the harpy,
Que ha dejado un río, un vacío inconmensurable.
Leaving behind a river, an immeasurable void.
Dicen que la depresión le robó la alegría,
They say depression stole their joy,
Que se hundía en pozos de melancolía,
That they sank into wells of melancholy,
Que su vía de escape frente al atrape era el papel,
Their escape route from the trap was paper,
Que se amaban en un carrusel de roces y caricias sin cuartel.
They loved each other in a carousel of relentless touches and caresses.
Que en su Torre de Babel eran felices, dicen,
They were happy in their Tower of Babel, they say,
Que su mente era un pincel,
Their mind was a brush,
Que fue vago por los tragos que clavaron su cincel
They were lazy because of the drinks that sharpened their chisel
Bajo su piel; piel que engaña, que su alma siempre nos ha sido fiel.
Under their skin; skin that deceives, but their soul has always been faithful.
Que ante las lágrimas nos sostuvo su hombro,
Their shoulder held us up through tears,
Siempre estuvo, llenó un cubo cuando tocó cada fondo,
They were always there, filling a bucket as they reached each bottom,
Y su peso le arrojó a las turbias manos de la sinrazón,
And their weight threw them into the murky hands of madness,
Y como todos ya se ha convertido en polvo.
And like everyone else, they have turned to dust.
Que nadie se escapa, que fue su única certeza,
That no one escapes, that was their only certainty,
Que trazó mil mapas dentro de un rompecabezas.
They traced a thousand maps within a puzzle.
Dicen que sus piezas nunca han estado tan juntas,
They say their pieces have never been so close,
Que sintió el menosprecio que sufren los que despuntan.
They felt the contempt suffered by those who stand out.
Dicen que vivió como si no hubiera un mañana,
They say they lived as if there were no tomorrow,
Que el cemento fue su cárcel y la lluvia su nana,
The concrete was their prison, the rain their lullaby,
Que su ángel fue su mamá, y su fe congelada,
Their angel was their mother, their faith frozen,
Que esto con el tiempo sana, dicen que no somos nada.
That time heals everything, they say we are nothing.
Que lo amaban por lo irrepetible,
That they were loved for being unique,
Que su mirada atravesaba lo invisible.
Their gaze pierced the invisible.
Que soñaba lo imposible para con mismo,
They dreamed the impossible for themself,
Que era un niño grande jugando al idealismo.
They were a big kid playing at idealism.
Dicen tantas cosas que no quién fue.
They say so many things, I don't know who they were.
Dicen que nos mira desde arriba que aún nos acompaña.
They say they watch us from above, that they still accompany us.
Dicen que le extrañan.
They say they miss them.
Cuentan que su mente navegó en un mar de quizás.
They say their mind sailed in a sea of maybes.
Dicen que su corazón latió hecho trizas,
They say their heart beat in pieces,
Mientras velan sus cenizas.
While they watch over their ashes.
Dicen que brindemos, que él lo quiso así,
They say let's toast, that they wanted it this way,
Que hay que celebrarle por los que estamos aquí
That we should celebrate them for those of us who are still here
Todavía, que no hay día que no vaya a ser el último,
Today, that there's no day that won't be the last,
Que decía que se iría en pleno júbilo...
They said they would leave in full jubilation...
Mirándolo en decúbito parece estar en paz.
Looking at them lying down, they seem to be at peace.
Que ahora vuela en aquella estrella fugaz,
That now they fly on that shooting star,
Cruza el cielo, suelta el miedo en cada haz de luz,
Crossing the sky, releasing fear in each beam of light,
Por eso haz de tus días alegrías.
That's why you should make your days full of joy.
Dicen que en ese ataúd
They say in that coffin
Marcha un joven sin Nobel pero más sabio
Goes a young person without a Nobel, but wiser,
Que aprendió que el amor no siente en binario.
Who learned that love doesn't feel in binary.
Que supo que no hay calendario que defina el tiempo,
They knew there is no calendar that defines time,
Que el tiempo es un invento, dicen que él ha sido el cambio.
That time is an invention, they say they were the change.
Dicen que no habrá perdices, que él no come carne,
They say there will be no partridges, that they don't eat meat,
Su vida fue un dibujo sin lujos pero sin hambre.
Their life was a drawing without luxuries, but without hunger.
Dicen que los brujos le dieron esas pulseras,
They say witches gave them those bracelets,
Que el influjo de sus letras tocó génesis enteras,
That the influence of their words touched entire geneses,
Que de veras mis sinceras condolencias.
That truly, my sincere condolences.
Que no hay ciencias
That there are no sciences
Ni creencias que palien su ausencia.
Nor beliefs that alleviate their absence.
Que está vivo en su recuerdo
That they are alive in their memory
Y no dejarán que muera,
And they won't let them die,
Que era un loco cuerdo,
That they were a sane madman,
Dicen que lo ven grabar en la pecera.
They say they see them recording in the fishbowl.
Dicen que era dos mitades en lucha constante,
They say they were two halves in constant struggle,
Que capturó el instante,
That they captured the moment,
Que su talante tolerante le trajo mil vidas,
That their tolerant nature brought them a thousand lives,
Que hizo idas y venidas por el infierno de Dante.
That they made comings and goings through Dante's inferno.
Dicen que fue amante y compañero,
They say they were a lover and companion,
Que jamás encontrarán algún amor tan sincero
That they will never find such sincere love
Sin velos en los ojos,
Without veils on their eyes,
Ni pelos en la lengua,
Nor hairs on their tongue,
Con miles de cerrojos
With thousands of locks
Para una bondad tan ingenua.
For such naive kindness.
Dicen que las deudas le agobiaban,
They say debts overwhelmed them,
Que quizá fue eso.
That maybe that was it.
Dicen que fue el peso de las pérdidas.
They say it was the weight of losses.
Dicen: 'Fue un abrazo que nunca le dieron'.
They say: 'It was a hug they never received'.
Dicen que fue un beso que no llegó por milésimas.
They say it was a kiss that didn't arrive by milliseconds.
Dicen tantas cosas que no quién fue.
They say so many things, I don't know who they were.
Dicen que nos mira desde arriba que aún nos acompaña.
They say they watch us from above, that they still accompany us.
Dicen que le extrañan.
They say they miss them.
Cuentan que su mente navegó en un mar de quizás.
They say their mind sailed in a sea of maybes.
Dicen que su corazón latió hecho trizas,
They say their heart beat in pieces,
Mientras velan sus cenizas.
While they watch over their ashes.

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