Zabranjeno Pusenje - Dan Republike-live - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Zabranjeno Pusenje - Dan Republike-live

Dan Republike-live
Republic Day-live
Danas je Dan Republike
Today is Republic Day
I stari je popio malo
And the old man has had a little too much to drink
Na televiziji Lepa Brena
Lepa Brena is on television
I stari se sjeća ratnih vremena
And the old man remembers the war times
Da bi danas bilo bolje
So that today would be better
Oni su poturali svoja pleća
They put their shoulders to the wheel
Gazili hladne rijeke
Waded through cold rivers
Jeli koru s drveća
Ate bark from the trees
Žao mu je što danas misle
He's sorry that today they think
Da je život negdje drugdje
That life is somewhere else
I ne sanja se više stari san
And the old dream is no longer dreamt
Čekaju pasoš da pobjegnu van
They're waiting for a passport to escape
Danas je dan, Dan Republike
Today is the day, Republic Day
Danas je dan, Dan Republike
Today is the day, Republic Day
Danas je dan, Dan Republike
Today is the day, Republic Day
I stara kaže Dragane šuti
And the old woman says, Dragan, be quiet
Skrati taj jezik mogu te čuti
Keep your voice down, they can hear you
Dan, Dan Republike
Day, Republic Day
Danas je dan, Dan Republike
Today is the day, Republic Day
Danas je dan, Dan Republike
Today is the day, Republic Day
Danas je Dan Republike
Today is Republic Day
I stari se sjeća ratnih dana
And the old man remembers the war days
Žao mu je što se ni klinci
He's sorry that even the kids
Više ne igraju partizana
Don't play Partisans anymore
Danas svako zna
Everyone knows today
Da je glava samo jedna
That you only have one head
Danas svako zna
Everyone knows today
Pred kim pasti na koljena
Before whom to fall on their knees
Danas je Dan Republike, stari kaže
Today is Republic Day, the old man says
Otvorite prozore, pijan je i čini mu se
Open the windows, he's drunk and it seems to him
Da logorske vatre u daljini gore
That campfires are burning in the distance
Logorske vatre, u daljini gore
Campfires are burning in the distance
Danas je dan, Dan Republike
Today is the day, Republic Day
Danas je dan, Dan Republike
Today is the day, Republic Day
Danas je dan, Dan Republike
Today is the day, Republic Day
I stara kaže
And the old woman says
Jesi l' normalan Dragane
Are you crazy, Dragan?
Zatvaraj prozore, ne radi grijanje
Close the windows, the heating isn't working
Danas je dan, Dan Republike
Today is the day, Republic Day
Danas je dan, Dan Republike
Today is the day, Republic Day
Danas je dan, Dan Republike
Today is the day, Republic Day
Dan, Dan Republike
Day, Republic Day
Danas je dan, Dan Republike
Today is the day, Republic Day
Danas je dan, Dan Republike
Today is the day, Republic Day

Writer(s): Davor Sucic, Nenad Jankovic

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