Zabranjeno pušenje feat. Elvis J. Kurtovich - Korona hit pozitivan - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Zabranjeno pušenje feat. Elvis J. Kurtovich - Korona hit pozitivan

Korona hit pozitivan
Corona Hit Positive
U mom gradu zagađen je zrak
In my city, the air is polluted
Imam masku, astmu i povišen tlak
I have a mask, asthma, and high blood pressure
U životu vazda volio sam slavlje
In life, I've always loved to celebrate
Kafana je uzela mi zdravlje
The tavern has taken my health away
Prošao sam rat, svu bijedu i teror
I've been through war, all the misery and terror
Sad me ubi šećer, giht i holesterol
Now sugar, gout, and cholesterol are killing me
Jedva sam se spasio od droge
I barely escaped drugs
Sad mi šteka srce i otiču noge
Now my heart is failing and my legs are swelling
Ne, ja ne sm'jem dobiti koronu
No, I can't get corona
Imam slaba pluća i loš imunitet
I have weak lungs and a poor immune system
Ni 60 godina mi nije
I'm not even 60 years old
Ne bih još da idem na Ahiret
I don't want to go to the Afterlife yet
A onda jedno veče usred karantene
And then one evening, in the middle of quarantine
Odjednom se otvoriše nebesa
Suddenly the heavens opened
Počeo sam sam po sobi pjevat, plesat
I started singing and dancing in my room
I tako, jaro, nasta ova pjesma
And so, darling, this song was born
Ne, ja ne sm'jem dobiti koronu
No, I can't get corona
Imam slabo srce i loš imunitet
I have a weak heart and a poor immune system
Ne, ja ne sm'jem dobiti koronu
No, I can't get corona
Sad kad imam hit što pokorit će svijet
Now that I have a hit that will conquer the world
I tako će bolesni, zaboravljeni pjevač
And so the sick, forgotten singer
Sa ovom pjesmom da se digne iz pepela poput ptice Felix
Will rise from the ashes with this song like the Felix cat
I sa slavnim vršnjacima Tifom, Alenom, Halidom
And with famous peers Tifa, Alen, Halid
U jednom Band Aid stilu zapjevati
Sing in a Band Aid style
Ne, ja ne sm'jem dobiti koronu
No, I can't get corona
Imam slabo srce i loš imunitet
I have a weak heart and a poor immune system
Ne, ja ne sm'jem dobiti koronu
No, I can't get corona
Ne bih još da idem na Ahiret
I don't want to go to the Afterlife yet
Ne, ti ne sm'ješ dobiti koronu
No, you can't get corona
Imaš slabo srce i loš imunitet
You have a weak heart and a poor immune system
Ne, ti ne sm'ješ dobiti koronu
No, you can't get corona
Sad kad imaš hit što pokorit će svijet
Now that you have a hit that will conquer the world
Ne, ja ne sm'jem dobiti koronu
No, I can't get corona
Imam slabo srce i loš imunitet
I have a weak heart and a poor immune system
Ne, ja ne sm'jem dobiti koronu
No, I can't get corona
Sad kad imam hit što pokorit će svijet
Now that I have a hit that will conquer the world
Sad kad imaš hit što pokorit će svijet
Now that you have a hit that will conquer the world

Writer(s): Davor Sucic, Mirko Srdic, Antun Tony Lovic

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