Zabranjeno Pusenje - Vrijeme igrača - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Zabranjeno Pusenje - Vrijeme igrača

Vrijeme igrača
Players' Time
Tako, zemljaci, sviram vođe vama
So, my countrymen, I play the leader for you
Sve snima televizija, produkcija je bajna
Everything's filmed for TV, the production is fantastic
Ali nije vazda bilo tako, rode
But it wasn't always like this, darling
Pamtim ja vremena i ne tako sjajna
I remember times not so glamorous
Na plaži svirka, bilo je i boljih dana
Gig on the beach, there have been better days
U sakoima mi priđu neka dva jarana
Two buddies approach me in their suits
Bi li mogli tvoju pažnju malo dobit
Could we have your attention for a moment
Ima za te prijedlog koji prosto nećeš odbit
We have a proposition you simply can't refuse
Šta će ti, bolan, ove klošarske brije
What do you need these bum gigs for, man
Nije ti više dvadeset i dvije
You're not twenty-two anymore
Pa da se skućiš, zar ne bi đecu k'o Brega
Settle down, wouldn't you want kids like Brega
Prešiš'o te je skoro svaki estradni kolega
Almost every pop star colleague has surpassed you
I k'o što ono onomad Čorba reče
And like Čorba said back then
Pa da vidim sada onu koja tebe neće
Let's see who wouldn't want you now
Svirki je dva'est, sve za "zna se" stranku
Twenty gigs, all for the "you know who" party
Dadneš guze na po' sata pa pravo u banku
Give it up for half an hour, then straight to the bank
Vrijeme je igrača, zar još nisi skužio
It's players' time, haven't you figured it out yet
Ne cijeniš li život, nisi ga ni zaslužio
If you don't value life, you don't deserve it
I još tu i tamo par emisija
And a couple of TV shows here and there
U prajm tajmu će se trebati održat
In prime time, you know, gotta keep up appearances
Kako su te tamo trale komšije
How those neighbours over there harassed you, honey
I to samo zato što si rek'o da si Hrvat
Just because you said you were a Croat
I kako sad si sretan u novoj domaji
And how happy you are now in your new homeland
Da pricjednik još jedini za te i tak'e mari
That the president still cares only for you and your kind
I da ti je tek sada srce stvarno puno
And that your heart is truly full now
A za Ahmiće reci da nikad nisi čujo
And about Ahmići, say you've never heard of it
Vrijeme je igrača, zar još nisi skužio
It's players' time, haven't you figured it out yet
Ne cijeniš li život, nisi ga ni zaslužio
If you don't value life, you don't deserve it
Vrijeme je igrača, zar još nisi skužio
It's players' time, haven't you figured it out yet
Ne cijeniš li život, nisi ga ni zaslužio
If you don't value life, you don't deserve it
Tako, zemljaci, sviram vođe među vama
So, my countrymen, I play the leader among you
Sve prati televizija, produkcija je sjajna
Everything's followed by TV, the production is brilliant
Načelnik me čeka, janje je iz Like
The mayor is waiting for me, the lamb is from Lika
U Jutarnjem će sutra izać' taze moje slike
My fresh pictures will be in Jutarnji tomorrow
Zato, jaro, u životu kad ti loše krene
So, buddy, when life gets tough
Kada grohneš kao kauč, kauč Made in Poland
When you groan like a couch, a couch Made in Poland
Dobri ljudi kad ti priđu, provjeri im ime
When good people approach you, check their names, dear
Da se slučajno ne zovu Azazell il' Woland
Make sure they're not called Azazel or Woland
Vrijeme je igrača, zar još nisi skužio
It's players' time, haven't you figured it out yet
Ne cijeniš li život, nisi ga ni zaslužio
If you don't value life, you don't deserve it
Vrijeme je igrača, zar još nisi skužio
It's players' time, haven't you figured it out yet
Ne cijeniš li život, nisi ga ni zaslužio
If you don't value life, you don't deserve it
Vrijeme je igrača, zar još nisi skužio
It's players' time, haven't you figured it out yet
Ne cijeniš li život, nisi ga ni zaslužio
If you don't value life, you don't deserve it
Vrijeme je igrača, zar još nisi skužio
It's players' time, haven't you figured it out yet

Writer(s): Davor Sucic, Andela Zebec

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