Zoda - Balla - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Zoda - Balla

Siamo sempre qui
We're always here
Sempre in movimento, ah,
Always moving, oh yeah
Balla, balla (Non ci pensare)
Dance, dance (Don't think about it)
Balla, balla (Come volare)
Dance, dance (Like you're flying)
Balla, balla (Lasciati andare)
Dance, dance (Let yourself go)
Balla, balla (Non ti fermare)
Dance, dance (Don't stop)
Balla, balla (Non ti fermare)
Dance, dance (Don't stop)
Balla, balla (Lasciati andare)
Dance, dance (Let yourself go)
Balla, balla (Come volare)
Dance, dance (Like you're flying)
Balla, balla (Non ci pensare)
Dance, dance (Don't think about it)
Trovare un po' di luce anche se non c'è sole
Find a little light even when the sun's not shining
Non so a cosa conduce, ma mi porta altrove
I don't know what it leads to, but it takes me to another place
Noi siamo sì, diretti verso l'orizzonte
Yes, we are heading towards the horizon
È perché siamo diversi da queste persone
Because we are different from all these others
Siamo in ogni dove, più alti dei palazzi
We are everywhere, higher than the buildings
In questo girone andiamo in giro con il taxi
In this place, we ride around in taxis
Non ci confondiamo mai con questi falsi
We never get confused with these fakes
Siamo fatti, siamo sciolti come i cani in giro
We are high, we are chill, like the dogs on the streets
Matti più dei pazzi e lascia fare
Crazy as hell, and let it happen
Tu non puoi cambiarci, è normale
You can't change us, that's normal
Noi non siamo umani, è surreale
We are not human, it's surreal
Trovarseli davanti, incontrarli per scansarli
To find ourselves in front of them, to meet them so we can avoid them
Come amarsi per poi odiarsi, ma
Like loving each other, just to hate each other, but still
Balla, balla (Non ci pensare)
Dance, dance (Don't think about it)
Balla, balla (Come volare)
Dance, dance (Like you're flying)
Balla, balla (Lasciati andare)
Dance, dance (Let yourself go)
Balla, balla (Non ti fermare)
Dance, dance (Don't stop)
Balla, balla (Non ti fermare)
Dance, dance (Don't stop)
Balla, balla (Lasciati andare)
Dance, dance (Let yourself go)
Balla, balla (Come volare)
Dance, dance (Like you're flying)
Balla, balla (Non ci pensare)
Dance, dance (Don't think about it)
Lo sai che me ne frega, sparisco in un baleno
You know, I don't care, I disappear in a flash
Mi spingo sull'altalena, dipingo l'arcobaleno
I push on the swing, I paint the rainbow
Poi vedo la luna piena e mi rincorre come da bambino
Then I see the full moon, and it chases me like when I was a child
Con la testa appesa fuori dal finestrino
With my head hanging out the window
Sembra che mi insegua, è un ricordo bello
It seems to be chasing me, it's a beautiful memory
Ma qui la vita è lenta, odio questo tempo
But life is slow here, I hate this weather
Vola via di mano, gli sparo ma non lo fermo
It flies away from me, I shoot it, but I can't stop it
E se mi volto indietro vedo tutti in bianco e nero
And if I look back, I see everyone in black and white
Quindi nah, non mi perdo qua
So no, I won't get lost here
Ballo sopra il tempo, brah
I dance on time, brah
Brillo e poi ti spengo, ah
I shine and then I turn you off, ah
Poi dormo contento, yah
Then I sleep contentedly, yah
E cambio carte, atterraggio casa base
And I change cards, I land at home base
Su da Marte, porto il verde per le masse
Up from Mars, I bring the green for the masses
Balla, balla (Non ci pensare)
Dance, dance (Don't think about it)
Balla, balla (Come volare)
Dance, dance (Like you're flying)
Balla, balla (Lasciati andare)
Dance, dance (Let yourself go)
Balla, balla (Non ti fermare)
Dance, dance (Don't stop)
Balla, balla (Non ti fermare)
Dance, dance (Don't stop)
Balla, balla (Lasciati andare)
Dance, dance (Let yourself go)
Balla, balla (Come volare)
Dance, dance (Like you're flying)
Balla, balla (Non ci pensare)
Dance, dance (Don't think about it)
Balla, balla
Dance, dance
Balla, balla
Dance, dance
Balla, balla
Dance, dance
Balla, balla (ehi)
Dance, dance (hey)

Writer(s): Alberto Rapetti, Daniele Sodano

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