Zully Murillo - Mis Recuerdos - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Zully Murillo - Mis Recuerdos

Mis Recuerdos
My Memories
Hay vienen los muchachos
Here come the boys
A arreglarme la casa
To fix my house
Dizque a acomodarme
Supposedly to make it suitable
Dicen que hay mucho chechere
They said there's a lot of clutter
Mucha cosa vieja
Lots of old stuff
Quieren modernizarme.
They want to modernize me.
Pero ellos no comprenden,
But they don't understand,
Lo que a mis recuerdos ellas alimentan
That these things feed my memories
Con cosas que pasaron pero que en mi vida
With things that happened but in my life
Dejaron su huella.
They left their mark.
A mi batea, déjenla ahí
My trough, leave it there
Al rayo y al manduco,
To the lightning and the manduco,
Al barreton, al asadon
To the crowbar, to the hoe
Dejen esa canoa,
Leave that canoe,
Junto con la palanca, el canalete
Along with the lever, the paddle
Y también con la atarraya,
And also with the cast net,
La plancha de carbón,
The iron plate,
La maquina de manivela.
The hand-cranked machine.
Ay dejen ahí, dejen ahí
Oh leave it, leave it
No me toquen mis cosas
Don't touch my things
Muchachos dejen ahí.
Boys, leave it there.
Ay dejen ahí, dejen ahí
Oh leave it, leave it
Que ellas a mis recuerdos alimentan.
They feed my memories.
Ay la paleadera,
Oh the bucket,
No toquen la azotea
Don't touch the roof
Ay no la barbacoa
Oh, no, not the hammock!
No me tumben el horno de barro
Don't tear down my clay oven
Las piedras del fogón no me las boten
Don't throw away the stones from the stove
La piedra de moler, la mano de piedra.
The grinding stone, the stone hand.
Ay dejen ahí, ay dejen ahí,
Oh leave it, leave it, leave it
Dejen ahí.
Leave it there.
(Dejen ahí)
(Leave it there)
Mi cama de matrimonio
My marriage bed
(Dejen ahí)
(Leave it there)
Ay dejen ahí la cómoda
Oh leave the dresser there
(Dejen ahí)
(Leave it there)
Cierren ese baúl no me lo abran
Close that trunk, don't open it
Ningún cartas de amor,
No love letters,
Mi toldillo de rengue
My linen canopy
La escare, la panameña
The palanquin, the Panamanian
No toquen mis chalinas
Don't touch my shawls
Tampoco el coyer y tila combinación
Nor the coyer and tila combination
La faja de varillas de las dietas
The boned corset from the diet
El calzón de bolitas
The polka-dot panties
Y el otro de jaretas
And the other one with the ribbons
Ay no boten mi putarra
Oh don't throw away my hat
Cuidado descarachan la mica
Be careful not to break the mica
Mi mate meador no me lo boten
Don't throw away my pee bottle
Ay dejen ahí, dejen ahí
Oh leave it, leave it
No me toquen mis cosas muchachos
Don't touch my things, boys
No me las toquen dejen ahí
Don't touch them, leave it there
Dejen ahí, dejen ahí
Leave it, leave it
La tinaja de barro
The clay jar
El calabaso
The calabash
Las cucharas de matescate
The spoons made of calabash
Y el petate
And the mat
El piombo
The lead
La bacara
The bacara
El aguamanil
The washbasin
El tanque
The tank
Los labaos
The washbasins
Ay dejen ahí, ay déjenme ahí
Oh leave it, leave me there
Ay déjenme ahí mis cosas
Oh, leave my things there
Ay caramba
Oh boy
(Dejen ahí, dejen ahí)
(Leave it there, leave it there)
Ay dejen la "jorencia"
Oh, leave the "jorencia" alone
Por dios dejen ahí
For God's sake, leave it there
Y el machetico pompo de mango quebrado
And the small machete with a broken mango
Mejor no lo toquen
Better not touch it
Ese era de mi abuelo
It belonged to my grandfather
Cuando en esa guerra
When in that war
Comenzaba el siglo XX
The 20th century began
Le sirvió pa defenderse
It served him to defend himself
Porque en esos tiempos andaba en el monte
Because in those days he was in the mountains
Luchando por su vida, la de su familia y por sus
Fighting for his life, his family and his
Y morian todos y liberales, y morian todso y liberales
And they all died, Conservatives and Liberals, and they all died, Conservatives and Liberals
Luchando por su vida, la de sus familiares y
Fighting for their lives, their families, and
Por sus ideales
For their ideals
Moriantodos y liberales, morian todos y liberales.
They all died, Conservatives and Liberals, they all died, Conservatives and Liberals.
Tierra y rio de mi patria
Land and rivers of my country
Que tanto inocente tiño con su sangre
That so many innocent people stained with their blood
Morian todos y liberales, morian todos y liberales
They all died, Conservatives and Liberals, they all died, Conservatives and Liberals
Aparecían cadáveres entre los sanjones, y los matorrales
Corpses appeared among the ditches, and the bushes
Morian todos y liberales, morian todos y liberales
They all died, Conservatives and Liberals, they all died, Conservatives and Liberals
Y luego disque civiles, guerrilleros, paras y tambien
And then supposedly civilians, guerrillas, paramilitaries, and also
Ay ay dejenme ahi mis cosas
Oh oh, leave my things alone
Dejen ahi lo mio
Leave my things alone
Ay no me toquen mis cosas
Oh don't touch my things
Muchachos dejen el machetico ahi
Boys, leave the little machete there
(Dejen ahi) ay hombe
(Leave it there) oh man
(Dejen ahi)
(Leave it there)
Que ellas a mis recuerdos alimentan
They feed my memories
Dejen ahi ay hombe
Leave it there, oh man
Ay dejen ahi, ay dejen ahi
Oh, leave it there, oh, leave it there
Ay mis cosas
Oh, my things
No me las toquen
Don't touch them
No me boten nada por Dios
For God's sake, don't throw anything away
(Ay dejen ahí)
(Oh leave it there)
(Ay dejen ahí)...
(Oh leave it there)...

Writer(s): Murillo De Caicedo

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