王菀之 - 滿天星 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation 王菀之 - 滿天星

A Sky Full of Stars
浪漫長夜星河 記下了詩人留住片刻點點愛火
Through the long romantic nights, the river of stars remembers the poet's brief, fiery love
望著其實已不錯 美麗會痛楚
Looking up, it's actually not bad, beauty can be painful
Emotions stir in my perfect heart
不停地為愛禱告 原來上帝聽到並賜你給我
Nonstop, I prayed for love, and it turned out, God heard and granted me you
戀情終於得到麼 仍感激接近過
Have I finally found love? I'm still grateful to have been close
能今生得到這段情 曾受過傷的心會醒
To have this love in this life, my once-wounded heart will awaken
To love you so close is better than sweet nothings; don't let me wake up
明知手拖不到盡頭 仍願意感受試過擁有
Even though I know our hands won't be entwined forever, I'm willing to experience what it's like to have you
滿天星作證 這一對逆境中溫馨
The vast sky of stars bears witness to our warm love in the face of adversity
福積過幾多 有你愛着我
How much fortune have I accumulated that you love me?
My joy comes from the songs you sing softly by my ear
越動人越怕出錯 顧慮有太多
The more moving it is, the more I fear making mistakes; I have too many concerns
Even fairy tales can be shattered
依然為你去禱告 期望上帝聽到讓你我好過
I still pray for you, hoping that God hears and helps us feel better
戀情花開不結果 留於天國盛放
Our love blossomed but bore no fruit; it will continue to bloom in heaven
你說再見又怎捨得放手 心靈難自由
You said goodbye, but how can I bear to let go? My soul is not free
多傷心仍願放開你 用眼淚平復你傷口
No matter how heartbroken I am, I'm willing to let you go and use my tears to heal your wounds
能今生得到這段情 曾受過傷的心會醒
To have this love in this life, my once-wounded heart will awaken
To love you so close is better than sweet nothings; don't let me wake up
明知手拖不到盡頭 甜蜜痛苦畫滿星宿
Even though I know our hands won't be entwined forever, sweetness and pain paint the constellations
滿天星作證 這一對夢裡可盡情
The vast sky of stars bears witness to our unfulfilled dreams

Writer(s): Ivana Wong

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