何韻詩 - 嘆息橋 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation 何韻詩 - 嘆息橋

Bridge of Sighs
細長流水千轉 岸正在搖
The slender flowing water turns round and round, and the shore is swaying
慢慢從頭頂即將飄過 是嘆息橋
Slowly drifting over my head, it's the Bridge of Sighs
聽聞如果跟最愛 劃破夜潮
I heard that if you go with your love, against the night tide
漏夜從橋底操舟穿過 待天曉
Rowing a boat under the bridge at night until dawn
You will be together for the rest of your life
上帝聽見了 祝福了
God has heard and blessed you
Even if you elope a thousand miles
The prophecies were too beautiful
At least you tried to be together
Even if I never get you
It's worth the courage at this moment
相信故事 講的一切 是個轉機
I believe the story, it's a turning point
奇聞奇事 或者虛構 不失淒美 ha~
Strange events or fiction, it's still beautiful, ha~
和你任性又好奇 破例了又有多奇
With you, I'm willful and curious, breaking the rules, how strange
看橋樑多堅固 亦會動搖
Look at the bridge, so strong, it can also shake
日後重遊水都都可以 沒嘆息橋
If I come back to the water city, the Bridge of Sighs may be gone
這浮城都恐怕會 沒進浪潮
This floating city may not be able to withstand the tide
但是情人的堅貞不會 受幹擾
But the lovers' loyalty will not be disturbed
若我這樣信 奇蹟的閃光將照耀
If I believe this way, the miracle will shine
成事嗎 沒有緊要
Does it matter if it happens?
願已許了 就滿足了
As long as the wish is made, I'm satisfied
Even if you elope a thousand miles
The prophecies were too beautiful
At least you tried to be together
Even if I never get you
It's worth the courage at this moment
相信故事 講的一切 是個轉機
I believe the story, it's a turning point
奇聞奇事 或者虛構 不失淒美 ha~
Strange events or fiction, it's still beautiful, ha~
和你任性又好奇 錯下去亦錯得起
With you, I'm willful and curious, even if I make mistakes
Hand in hand, we elope a thousand miles
The prophecies were too beautiful
起碼這段路天真到 誰也不理
At least this road is so innocent, we don't care about anyone
Even if I didn't get you in the beginning
I don't want to just sigh
相信結局 只得一個 沒有轉機
I believe there is only one ending, no turning point
逃亡船上 若有你 連驚險都覺得 滋味
On the escaping boat, if you're with me, even danger feels good
和你任性又好奇 愛下去是個傳奇
With you, I'm willful and curious, love is a legend
期望這苦戀 獲得好的結尾
I hope this love will have a good ending

Writer(s): Hocc

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