陳昇 - 七叔 - translation of the lyrics into English

七叔 - 陳昇translation in English

Uncle Seven
天空的雲朵結在一起 像卡通裡的大力水手
The clouds in the sky are joined together Like Popeye the Sailor Man in a cartoon
孩子們扔了書包 追著埤仔的老牛在奔跑
Children have thrown their schoolbags away And are chasing the old cow by the pond
In the evening breeze, the smell of sweet, salty fish
七叔他站在橋頭 身邊是他閃亮的Motorcyle
Uncle Seven stands on the bridge Beside his shiny motorcycle
孩子我跟你說 叔叔要去一個遙遠的地方
My dear, I'm going to a faraway place
那裡是男人的方向 情欲的理想國
Where men roam free And desires reign
餐桌上涼了的鹹魚 早就已經沒有滋味
The cold, salty fish on the dining table Has long since lost its flavor
七叔張著鐵青的臉 爺爺拽了門之後的咆哮
Uncle Seven's face is green, Grandfather's roar after slamming the door
城裡來的女人 讓七叔變得好有精神
The woman from the city Makes Uncle Seven look so lively
The neighbors all say she's a seductress from out of town
我那裡想得這麼多 七叔的眼裡映著烈火
Why should I care so much? Uncle Seven's eyes reflect a blazing fire
村子裡的人說他著了魔 他搭上了城裡的壞種
The villagers say he's possessed By a wicked woman from the city
好冷好冷的一個冬天 七叔他輕輕敲著我的窗
On a cold, cold winter day Uncle Seven knocks gently on my window
His face looks weathered and worn
他點了一根時髦的西洋煙 問起了家裡的種種
He lights a fashionable Western cigarette Asks about the family
爺爺是否還念著他 不孝的他
Does Grandfather still think of him, His disobedient son?
我那裡想得那麼多 我心中也有烈火
Why should I care so much? My heart also burns with fire
發動起來吧摩托車 要去夢想的那一方
Start the motorcycle, dear Let's ride to the land of our dreams
我沒有問他 七叔是不是已經到了他的理想國
I didn't ask him, Has Uncle Seven reached his utopia?
七叔的眼裡有種迷人的空洞 迷人的空洞
Uncle Seven's eyes have a strange emptiness, A captivating emptiness
他身上有好聞的洋煙味 和抹了香精的浪子頭
He smells of exotic cigarettes And pomade in his dashing hair
浪子在那個冷冷的夜裡 掩沒在黑裡再也沒有了消息
On that cold night, the wanderer Disappears into the darkness, never to be seen again
村子裡的人說他著了魔 任誰勸也不回頭
The villagers say he's possessed No one can turn him around
溪畔的稻子已經垂了頭 七叔沒有遲疑的大步走
The rice by the stream has bowed its head, Uncle Seven strides forward without hesitation

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