陳昇 - 婉君妹妹,我錯了 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation 陳昇 - 婉君妹妹,我錯了

My Dear Wanjun, I Was Wrong
是你先笑我跟不上時代 是我修養不好滿肚子無名火
You laughed first and said I couldn't keep up with the times, it's true I have a bad temper and a belly full of unknown fire
就沒有辦法像你那些騷朋友 日夜都等著我來加入你
I couldn't be like your trendy friends who wait for me day and night to come and join the fun
不過是一個自由的念頭 那麼聰明的你怎會想不開
It was just a free thought, how could you, who are so smart, not understand that
說今晚我很想要陪你睡 是不是要告訴我他是妳還是你
You said you really wanted me to sleep with you tonight, are you trying to tell me that he is you or you are him
是他先跟雲端的我有那麼一腿 才聽說牆裡面還住著另一個我
He was the first to have a fling with me in the clouds, then I heard that there was another me living inside the wall
老猜想雲端的人都沒有臉 臉在虛擬的世界裡要做什麼
I always thought people in the clouds had no faces, what use do they have for a face in the virtual world
是你先教我不要有責任感 卯起人來才沒有罪惡感
You taught me not to have a sense of responsibility, and that there is no guilt in being human
婉君妹妹你一定很美麗 什麼時候我們去結婚吧
My dear Wanjun, you must be so beautiful, when are we going to get married?
不過是一個浪漫的念頭 求求你不要再找人來談論我 好不好
It was just a romantic idea, please don't ask anyone to talk about me again, okay?
今晚我就死魚一樣 給你睡 別七嘴八舌鞭打我的屍體
Tonight I will be like a dead fish, let you sleep with me, don't talk anymore and flog my dead body
婉君妹妹我錯了 你逼死了名嘴 他六舅子的老頭
My dear Wanjun, I was wrong, you drove the famous host to his death, he was your stepfather's old man
婉君妹妹我錯了 你逼死了名模 他小狼狗的老婆
My dear Wanjun, I was wrong, you drove the famous model to her death, she was your puppy's wife
婉君妹妹我錯了 你逼死了歌手 他不敢上廁所
My dear Wanjun, I was wrong, you drove the singer to his death, he didn't dare to go to the toilet
婉君妹妹我錯了 你逼死了神豬 用一根手指頭
My dear Wanjun, I was wrong, you killed the divine pig with a finger
是我自己活錯了時代 到了現在才知道你很厲害
It was my own fault for living in the wrong era, but now I realize how powerful you are
要我尊敬你那一根手指頭 起碼你也要在雲端裡認出我
You want me to respect your finger, but you have to at least recognize me in the clouds
My dear Wanjun, I was wrong

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