b.u.g. mafia - Față'N Față - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation b.u.g. mafia - Față'N Față

Față'N Față
Face to Face
Treaba asta merge special pt toti mancatorii De c***t din hip-hopul asta romanesc
This goes out especially to all the shit-eaters in this Romanian hip-hop scene
La Familia B. U. G. Mafia
La Familia B. U. G. Mafia
Partea buna, partea buna,
The good part, the good part,
Partea buna chiar acum ma sugi de p**a
The good part is you're sucking my dick right now
Partea rea, partea rea
The bad part, the bad part
Partea rea e ca imi bag p**a in gura ta
The bad part is that I'm shoving my dick in your mouth
Adica prima vrea sa zica ca ma bucur ca te fac
Meaning the first one means I'm glad I'm doing you
Iar a doua vrea sa zica ca ai belit p**a de fapt
And the second one means you've actually sucked dick
Au trecut vreo 7-8 ani lasa-ma sa incerc
It's been about 7-8 years let me try
Si de atunci pana acum toata lumea este rap
And since then everyone is rap
Da' tot inca vorbesti de parca ai face ceva
But you still talk like you're doing something
De parca ai sti ceva
Like you know something
Ca te descurci cumva
That you're managing somehow
Ca tu produci lovea
That you're producing hits
Ca ai ajuns cineva
That you've become someone
Dar tot odata te gandesti chiar nu e deloc asa
But then again you think it's not like that at all
Deci ce c***t ai mancat de atunci si pana acum
So what shit have you eaten since then and until now
Ca tot c**t mananci si acum
That you still eat shit now
Spun m**e pt m**e in g****a
I say shit for shit in the pussy
Asta o sa-ti aminteasca ca venim la tine acasa
This will remind you that we're coming to your house
Sa ma respecti baga'ti'ai p**a in gat la fel ca pe ma-ta
Respect me, stick your dick in your throat just like your mom's
Fiindca iti dau sa mananci acum ete'
Because I'm giving you something to eat now, here it is
Sti noi suntem baietii care fac banu' sa curga
You know we're the guys who make the money flow
Si tot suntem aia facem gaborii sa planga
And we're still the ones who make the cops cry
Sunt multi in jurul tau care te fac sa te crezi tare
There are many around you who make you think you're tough
Tine minte ca o spun doar sa te sape in continuare
Remember I'm only saying this to keep digging at you
Ai produs niste bani, ai gasit drumul in viata
You made some money, you found your way in life
Le-ai spus ca ai si t***e cand suntem fata-n fata
You told them you have balls too when we're face to face
Sunt multi in jurul tau care te fac sa te crezi tare
There are many around you who make you think you're tough
Tine minte ca o spun doar sa te sape in continuare
Remember I'm only saying this to keep digging at you
Ai produs niste bani, ai gasit drumul in viata
You made some money, you found your way in life
Le-ai spus ca ai si t***e cand suntem fata-n fata
You told them you have balls too when we're face to face
Unu cu toti, toti cu unu asa tot inainte
One with all, all with one, so on and so forth
Ca-mi bag p**a in voi tin sa va aduc aminte
Because I stick my dick in you, I want to remind you
Inaite vreau sa spun ca ti'o pun a**l
First I want to say that I'll put it in your ass
Dupa care poti sa treci sa ti-o pun direct bucal
After which you can come and get it directly in your mouth
Asta ca sa'ti vorbesc in termeni mai stiintifici
This is to speak to you in more scientific terms
Si daca nu cunosti termenii poti sa'i verifici
And if you don't know the terms, you can check them
Ce zici? mai bine daca ai sta in banca ta,
What do you say? it would be better if you stayed in your place,
Ar fi mai bine pt tine sa nu ajungi la p**a mea,
It would be better for you not to get to my dick,
In gura ta
In your mouth
Si in a lu' ma-ta, ti'ai luat cagula sa nu vezi ca ma sugi de p**a
And in your mom's, you put on your balaclava so you wouldn't see that you're sucking my dick
Baietii de cartier ti'au facut'o iar
The boys from the neighborhood did it to you again
Degeaba tot incerci sa te ridici, e in zadar
It's useless to keep trying to get up, it's in vain
Dar ultima sansa a ta e peste granita
But your last chance is across the border
Aduna'ti toata gasca baga'i pe toti in ranitza
Gather all your gang, put them all in the backpack
Si daca nici acolo n'o poti sa'ti ti gura
And if you can't keep your mouth shut there either
Casac'o inca o data, e indirect manca'mi'ai p**a
Get the hell out of here again, it's indirectly sucking my dick
Nu stiu de ce constituie atractie c****e mele
I don't know why my balls are so attractive
De fiecare data tu iti lipesti palma de ele
Every time you stick your palm to them
Vino cu mine prostule iti ofer ocazie
Come with me fool, I offer you an opportunity
Iti fac reducere la femeia ta pana'n decembrie
I'll give you a discount on your woman until December
In ianuarie ti'am aratat de ce mananci c**t
In January I showed you why you eat shit
Nu ai schimbat nimic desi ai incercat un pic
You haven't changed anything even though you tried a little
Cine e cel mai bun
Who is the best
Poate tu ca noi nu, stii tu noi avem banu'
Maybe you, not us, you know we have the money
(Ha. cam asta a fost.)
(Ha. that was about it.)
Sunt multi in jurul tau care te fac sa te crezi tare
There are many around you who make you think you're tough
Tine minte ca o spun doar sa te sape in continuare
Remember I'm only saying this to keep digging at you
Ai produs niste bani, ai gasit drumul in viata
You made some money, you found your way in life
Le-ai spus ca ai si t***e cand suntem fata-n fata
You told them you have balls too when we're face to face
Sunt multi in jurul tau care te fac sa te crezi tare
There are many around you who make you think you're tough
Tine minte ca o spun doar sa te sape in continuare
Remember I'm only saying this to keep digging at you
Ai produs niste bani, ai gasit drumul in viata
You made some money, you found your way in life
Le-ai spus ca ai si t***e cand suntem fata-n fata
You told them you have balls too when we're face to face

Writer(s): Alin Adrian Demeter, Dragoş Vlad Neagu, Vlad Irimia

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