b.u.g. mafia - Strazile (feat. Mario V) - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation b.u.g. mafia - Strazile (feat. Mario V)

Strazile (feat. Mario V)
The Streets (feat. Mario V)
E un loc in care n-ai curaj, n-ai cum sa vrei
This is a place where you don't have courage, you can't want
E posibil s-o dai, dar e probabil s-o iei
It's possible to give it a try, but it's likely to take it
Ca atata smecherie in Las Vegas mai vezi
Like so much trickery, in Las Vegas, you'll see
Si cum se schimba unii in c***e, nici nu-ti vine sa crezi
And how some become c***s, you can't believe
E capitala Romanieeei... e Bucuresti
It's the capital of Romania... it's Bucharest
E mai mult decat atat. eee... sa dovedesti
It's more than that. eee... to prove
Romanii si romancele, tiganii si tigancile
Romanians and Romanians, gypsies and gypsies
Guvernul, banii, gaborii, gainarii
Government, money, cops, hustlers
Puscaria si anii
Jail and years
Cartierul si veteranii
Neighborhood and veterans
Copiii si drogurile, armele, drogurile
Children and drugs, weapons, drugs
Tre' sa intelegi treburile... frate
You have to understand things... bro
Pa' strada dai de toate
On the street you can find everything
Combinate... amestecate peste poate
Combined... mixed beyond possible
Este greu
It's hard
Aici ne facem treaba, aici cu noi vei fi mereu
Here we do our thing, here with us you will always be
Nu e nici un sfat de dat nici un contract de semnat
There is no advice to give, no contract to sign
Suntem mafia pa' viata... frati de fapt
We are the mafia for life... brothers in fact
R x 2:
R x 2:
Poti sa spui rugaciuni
You can say prayers
Sa se intample minuni
Miracles will happen
Dar ce semeni aduni
But what you sow, you reap
Fugi, fugi. vin baieti buni
Run, run. good boys are coming
Prezint solutii radicale
I present radical solutions
Ca toti baietii buni
Like all the good boys
Care au ridicat imperii
Who have built empires
In afaceri ilegale
In illegal businesses
Ca-n strada poti sa te alegi cu rani letale
Because on the street you can get away with lethal wounds
Atunci cand armele zambesc in felinare
When the weapons smile in the streetlamps
In continuare bulangiii toarna si rastoarna tot
In the meantime, the hustlers are pouring and overturning everything
Liderii adevarati palesc ca un boboc de floare
The real leaders are fading like a flower bud
Uitat de floraresele din colt in soare
Forgotten by the flower girls in the corner in the sun
Si garda se faleste acum cu-n peste atat de mare... da'
And the guard is now boasting of such a great fish... but'
Reactia e-n lant, gabori zac in sant
The reaction is chained, cops lie in the ditch
Avem demisii extraordinare la bilant
We have extraordinary resignations on the balance sheet
Yo. urmatorul candidat la tron isi face loc
Yo. the next candidate for the throne is making his way
Printre ziduri de beton s-acapareaza tot
Among concrete walls, taking over everything
Ce eu sunt sigur pa' mine ca nu poti sa te bazezi decat pe tine
What I am sure of on me, you can't rely on anyone but yourself
Nici gaborii nu prea ma plac... in fine
Even the cops don't really like me... in the end
Sangele latin care inca-mi curge-n vine
The Latin blood that still runs through my veins
Ma face sa fiu ca Al Capone... stii bine
Makes me be like Al Capone... you know
R x 2:
R x 2:
Poti sa spui rugaciuni
You can say prayers
Sa se intample minuni
Miracles will happen
Dar ce semeni aduni
But what you sow, you reap
Fugi, fugi. vin baieti buni
Run, run. good boys are coming
Pe cand se intamplau basmele
When the fairy tales were happening
Oamenii au creat legile
People created the laws
Atunci au definit partile
Then they defined the parties
Astazi s-au aruncat cartile
Today, the cards have been thrown away
Conflictul a schimbat armele
The conflict has changed the weapons
Pentru a dobori tintele
In order to knock down the targets
Armurile sunt azi, vestele
Today's armors are vests
Care impiedica gloantele
Which obstruct the bullets
Dar si asa curge sangele
But the blood still flows
Imagini sumbre dau stirile
Grim images give the news
Mai nou se folosesc vocile
Lately, the voices are being used
Testele ADN, actele
DNA tests, acts
Si totusi nu se vad semnele
And still the signs can't be seen
Cum ca s-ar incheia luptele
Like the fights would end
Garda si-a adunat fortele
The guard has gathered its forces
Sa-ncerce sa ne ia strazile
To try to take our streets
Poate la anul zic:
Maybe next year I'll say:
R x 2:
R x 2:
Poti sa spui rugaciuni
You can say prayers
Sa se intample minuni
Miracles will happen
Dar ce semeni aduni
But what you sow, you reap
Fugi, fugi. vin baieti buni
Run, run. good boys are coming
Ba-ba-ba-baieti buni

Writer(s): alin adrian demeter, dragoş vlad neagu, vlad irimia

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