cosMo@暴走P feat. GUMI - ラクガキスト - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation cosMo@暴走P feat. GUMI - ラクガキスト

I post all sorts of salacious graffiti, assemble it, and stick it up
それでもいいよと開き直って ボクだけの世界をここに築く
Even if it's not great, I'll be defiant and build my world here
This "edgy teenage angst" is so ridiculous
Word play and sound manipulation, I'm just a hack at the end of the day
統率のとれた発言が穿つ 味とか個性を保身に後悔
Well-ordered statements cut deep, preserving my personality and regret
I'm suffocating, I could die←so just die, recklessly
Riding the torrent of words, my work is the ultimate form of masturbation
だけど それしかないよと開き直って ボクだけの世界選び取る
But I'll be defiant and say, that's all I've got, and choose my own world
Spray-painted graffiti on every street corner
何ら変わりの無い くだらない言い訳を
It's no different from a pathetic excuse
それでも無いよりはマシだと そうと思いたく
Even so, it's better than nothing, I want to think so
I showed my distorted exhibitionism on the scrap paper
極度に人見知り それでいて 認めてほしい
Extremely shy, yet I want to be recognized
過激に人間(ヒト)嫌い それでいて 恋しくて
Vehemently misanthropic, yet I'm desperately lonely
I scrawled on the walls in passing
Crammed with shallow, borrowed arguments
I'm inadequate and excessive in everything I do
What others do feels so grand and distant
Blaming others, sulking
ネガティヴな言葉で 卑屈に構えた
Cowardly posturing with negative words
積み重ならべる綺麗な部分を どうでもいいようなハリボテ部分を
The beautiful parts that pile up, the insignificant parts that I don't care about
Since when did I start caring about appearances and thinking they were so important?
Strutting around on the pedestal of undeserved privilege, I was arrogant and proud
But the reality is just a small, worthless, meaningless scribble
好きが嫌いに反転 そこからぴたりと命を終われるほどの
Love turns to hate, from which I can end my life
強さとけじめと諦めと覚悟 もちろん無いからこれから創る
Strength, resolution, resignation, and覚悟Of course I don't have them, so I'll create them from now on
脳内お花畑な思考回路(かいろ) 殺意と共にうらやましくなる
My flowery brain回路envious of the murderous intent
Why can you be so positive?
雑踏に紛れると 自分が迷子になった
When I blend into the crowd, I get lost
置いてかれたボクは 立ち止まりうずくまる
Abandoned, I stop and crouch
ここに在る意味を 見つけたくて知りたくて
I want to find my purpose here, to know it
誰かが気づくのを 落書きしながら待った
I waited for someone to notice while I scribbled
謗りは怖いけど 絶えず何か主張して
Slander is scary, but I constantly demand something
自意識過剰さが 空気にも為れなくて
My self-consciousness can't even become the air
Scrawled on the passing wall
苛立ちと焦る気持ち 混ざりぶつけた
Frustration and impatience mixed together
The shining future beyond the kicked pebble
A fantasy that brings me back to reality
I don't need a happy world
強がりな言葉は 外界にはみ出す
Defiant words spill out into the world
Humming an anonymous song
無心で描き出す 他の誰でもないボクが
Drawing without thinking, I'm not anyone else, I'm me
I post all sorts of salacious graffiti, assemble it, and stick it up
それでもいいよと開き直って ボクだけの世界をここに築く
Even if it's not great, I'll be defiant and build my world here
Riding the torrent of words, my work is the ultimate form of masturbation
だけど それしかないよと開き直って ボクだけの世界選び取る
But I'll be defiant and say, that's all I've got, and choose my own world
落書きばら撒き 理論と衝動激しく轟音ぶつかるところで
Scattering graffiti, theory and impulse clash violently
落書きだからと開き直って ボクだけの世界をここに築く
Because it's graffiti, I'll be defiant and build my world here
初めの理念は輝かしかった 朽ち行く足跡見返り思って
The original concept was brilliant, looking back on my fading footsteps
The curse of my "authenticity" will never forgive me, it will drag me down
This "edgy teenage angst" is so hollow
There is no reasonable truth or ideal answer, in my heart or anywhere
I can only spread a little despair, a little misfortune, but
I will leave my mark on the world with my拙ise graffiti and grasp the essence

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