edIT - Crunk de Gaulle - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation edIT - Crunk de Gaulle

Crunk de Gaulle
Crunk de Gaulle
Tekila Tex:
Tekila Tex:
Assis sur mon lit je regarde innocement par la fenêtre mais tu n'es pas
As I sit on my bed, I innocently gaze out the window, but you're not there.
Je n'dors plus depuis qu'on m'a dit de me faire à l'idée de devoir me réveiller sans toi
Sleep eludes me ever since I was told to accept the idea of waking up without you.
Tu es partie sans dire au revoir
You left without a goodbye,
Je ne sais pas comment qui croire
leaving me unsure of who to believe.
Est-ce la fin de notre aventure ou t'es tu laissé emporté dans une sale histoire
Is this the end of our journey, or have you been swept away by some dark tale?
Je te demande juste un sugne ça fais deux mois que mon coeur à refuser de saigner
I just ask for a sign; my heart has refused to bleed for two months now.
Si tu as refait ta vie dit le moi je serai content pour toi et j'essayerai de t'oublier
If you've built a new life, tell me, and I'll be happy for you and try to forget you.
Ai-je fait une erreur
Did I make a mistake?
Je stress et j'ai peur
Stress and fear consume me.
Je n'compte plus les heures
I've lost count of the hours.
Epargne mon coeur
Spare my heart.
J'l'ai vu arriver le preums
I saw her first,
Elle avait pas de coeur
her heart devoid of feeling.
Donc j'ai pris le relai
So I stepped in,
J'avais le feu vert
given the green light.
Ce ptit bébé va m'aimer va cèder accepter de se faire accompagner
This little darling will love me, give in, accept my company.
Elle a aquiescer ça c'est fait, rougie quand j'ai carressé
She agreed, blushing as I caressed her.
J'ai ça dans l'sang c'est évident elle me trouve trop chou
It's in my blood, it's clear she finds me adorable.
J'ai ça dans l'sang elle m'trouve trop chou en plus d'être trop cool
It's in my blood, she finds me too cute and too cool.
J'suis un bonbon habillé comme un arc en ciel
I'm a candy, dressed like a rainbow,
J'arrive dans l'club pique une meuf et file à l'anglaise
entering the club, snatching a girl, and leaving in the English way.
Tido Berman:
Tido Berman:
Danse sur les toits pour te faire voir
Dance on rooftops to be seen,
Cours sur les terrains de tennis à poil
run naked on tennis courts.
Investie toi donne lui tout prosterne toi consterne toi qu'elle détourne son regard
Invest yourself, give her everything, bow down, be dismayed as she looks away.
Partage les putes sans importance
Share meaningless flings,
T'es devenu l'homme en toute innocence de l'une d'entre elle
innocently becoming the man of one of them.
Cette fille qui t'entraine elle est mec une mangeuse d'homme au sourire d'ange
This girl who pulls you in, she's a man-eater with an angel's smile.
La foule y danse
The crowd dances,
Elle disparait
she disappears.
Elle te coupe le soufle et désemparé elle te mêne la vie dure
She takes your breath away, leaving you desperate, making your life hard.
Le monde s'écroule
Your world crumbles,
Tu tombe de haut
you fall from grace.
C'est super triste
It's incredibly sad,
Tu m'inquiète
you worry me.
T'es tout bizar
You're all strange.
Bob le Moche:
Bob le Moche:
Je ne sais pas si je peux te prommetre tout ce que tu demandes de moi
I can't promise you everything you ask of me.
Le monde court si vite que cette paire de sneaker s'attelle à porter mes pas
The world moves so fast, these sneakers struggle to carry my steps.
Tu es pourtant si près de moi
Yet, you're so close,
Je n'aurai qu'à claquer des doigts
just a snap of my fingers away.
Mais ne me dit pas que tu te contenteras de la vie que je n'aurai su dessiner pour toi
But don't tell me you'll settle for the life I couldn't create for you.
Il y a bien longtemps que j'ai décidé de refermer les pages de mon histoire
Long ago, I decided to close the chapters of my story.
Ne crois pas que tu seras celle qui nous dessinera d'un coup de crayon noir
Don't believe you'll be the one to draw our ending in black crayon.
Me voir te dire au revoir
Seeing you say goodbye,
Mes absences m'aident à y croire
my absences help me believe.
Mais laisse moi m'en aller
But let me go,
Te rappeler
to remind you
Que les souvenirs d'un rêve se conjuguent à l'illusoire
that memories of a dream are intertwined with illusion.
English translation
English translation
Tekila Tex:
Tekila Tex:
Sitting on my bed I'm looking through the window but you're not there
Sitting on my bed I'm looking through the window but you're not there.
I can't sleep since I've been told that I would have to live without you
I can't sleep since I've been told that I would have to live without you.
You left without saying good bye
You left without saying good bye
I don't know how or who I should believe
I don't know how or who I should believe
Is it the end of our journey or you got carried away in a bad story
Is it the end of our journey or you got carried away in a bad story
All I ask is for a sing my heart haven't bled for two months now
All I ask is for a sing my heart haven't bled for two months now
If you made your life elsewhere just tell me I'll be happy for you and I'll try to forget you
If you made your life elsewhere just tell me I'll be happy for you and I'll try to forget you
Did I made a mistake
Did I made a mistake
I'm stressed and scared
I'm stressed and scared
I stop counting the hours
I stop counting the hours
Spare my heart
Spare my heart
I can
I can
Spot a hitter from a mile away
Spot a hitter from a mile away
'Cus I got an excellent trained eye
'Cus I got an excellent trained eye
Plus I'll leave your brethren shanghaied.
Plus I'll leave your brethren shanghaied.
I want to cage your world in, appraise your girlfriend.
I want to cage your world in, appraise your girlfriend.
She tastes like lemon meringue pie
She tastes like lemon meringue pie
But she ain't worth a single shilling.
But she ain't worth a single shilling.
I just bid Jews of equal billing.
I just bid Jews of equal billing.
I dedicate my time to making mother***er's brain's fry (Yeah!)
I dedicate my time to making mother***er's brain's fry (Yeah!)
We pull up creative endeavors and business deals.
We pull up creative endeavors and business deals.
It's no pressure
It's no pressure
Our room all gold inlaid
Our room all gold inlaid
With an iron fist holding the door center
With an iron fist holding the door center
And y'all n*****s using animatronics,
And y'all n*****s using animatronics,
Having intercourse with a forty gig driver
Having intercourse with a forty gig driver
I Pulled a 40 swig, crossed a porky pig,
I Pulled a 40 swig, crossed a porky pig,
Died and got caught up inside of my Cuisinart
Died and got caught up inside of my Cuisinart
So let me (and cruise?) (Start?). (No!)
So let me (and cruise?) (Start?). (No!)
(Especially with?) Techy individuals who know the ladies
(Especially with?) Techy individuals who know the ladies
With healthy libidos
With healthy libidos
Don't want be no one's savior
Don't want be no one's savior
We'll never be peaceful
We'll never be peaceful
We never act stupid like featherless flamingos or
We never act stupid like featherless flamingos or
Premature undeveloped genetic mishaps
Premature undeveloped genetic mishaps
Pure lack of indicators ended by a b**ch slap!
Pure lack of indicators ended by a b**ch slap!
Hey, guess what?
Hey, guess what?
Get back! Ha!
Get back! Ha!
I saw her first
I saw her first
She had no heart
She had no heart
So I did the job
So I did the job
I was allowed to
I was allowed to
This baby's gonna love me is gonna let me be with her
This baby's gonna love me is gonna let me be with her
She accepted she blushed when I caressed her
She accepted she blushed when I caressed her
I got the moves it's obvious she think I'm so cute
I got the moves it's obvious she think I'm so cute
I got the moves she thinks I'm too cute and too cool
I got the moves she thinks I'm too cute and too cool
I'm a candy dressed in rainbow
I'm a candy dressed in rainbow
I get in the club get a girl and gone with her
I get in the club get a girl and gone with her
Tido Berman:
Tido Berman:
Dance on the roof so people sees you
Dance on the roof so people sees you
Run naked on the tennis court
Run naked on the tennis court
Invest yourself give her everything bow to her be astonished when she stop looking at you
Invest yourself give her everything bow to her be astonished when she stop looking at you
Share the h**s that don't mean a thing
Share the h**s that don't mean a thing
Cause now you're the man of only one of them
Cause now you're the man of only one of them
That girl who's got you is a man-eater with an angel smile
That girl who's got you is a man-eater with an angel smile
The crowd is dancing
The crowd is dancing
She disappears
She disappears
She takes your breath away you're desperate she makes your life rough
She takes your breath away you're desperate she makes your life rough
Your world is falling down
Your world is falling down
You're falling from too high
You're falling from too high
It's super sad
It's super sad
I'm worried about you
I'm worried about you
You're all weird
You're all weird
I feel like teddy Rowley in this b**ch. Hey, edit, take it to the bridge.
I feel like teddy Rowley in this b**ch. Hey, edit, take it to the bridge.

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