lecca - SOLA - lecca 10th Anniversary LIVE BEST POSITVE - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation lecca - SOLA - lecca 10th Anniversary LIVE BEST POSITVE

SOLA - lecca 10th Anniversary LIVE BEST POSITVE
SOLA - lecca 10th Anniversary LIVE BEST POSITVE
朝から最高気温を記録してる 寝過ごしちゃこの空気ムダにしてる
This morning, I set a new record for the highest temperature. If I overslept, I’d be wasting this beautiful weather.
I’ll let my body gradually wake up and take myself for a run.
My head is still hot, but I won’t cool it down today.
I will run as far as I can.
あの路地をぬけたら 知らない道が広がる
When I turn down that path, a new world will open up before me.
決まった未来なんて一つもない 毎日が完全なZERO 動き出すよ
There’s no one set future. Every day is a fresh ZERO. I will get things moving.
潮風の匂いと 明けてく空の色
The scent of the sea breeze, the colors of the breaking dawn.
I feel like something great is about to start.
太陽が瞳を閉じて ここでしか見えない私達の
The sun closes its eyes and here before us is our own private eternity.
永遠が両手広げて 大丈夫、こわくなんかないよって言う
It opens its arms wide and tells me there’s no need to be afraid.
次々と景色は変わってく これから先はまだ見えないけど
The scenery changes from one moment to the next, and the future remains uncertain.
知りたいの どこまで行けるのかを
But I want to know how far I can go.
こんな日はあの頃を思い出す 誰にも知られてない秘密基地で
On days like these, I remember what it was like to be a child. We had our own secret base where no one knew about us.
宿題も手伝いも忘れたまま もし、こうできたらって思いをはせた
We would forget about homework and chores and just daydream.
自分の限界とか 社会の厚みだったり ザセツって言葉も知らないでさ
I didn’t know anything about my limits or the complexities of society, and I had never even heard the word “failure.”
意味とか考えるより前に体が動いてた 足早に
Without a thought, I would let my body take over and start moving.
新緑のゆらぎと 途切れぬ虫の歌
The swaying of the fresh green leaves, the incessant chirping of the cicadas.
I felt like I had to do something.
太陽が瞳を閉じて ここでしか見えない私達の
The sun closes its eyes and here before us is our own private eternity.
永遠が両手広げて 大丈夫、こわくなんかないよって言う
It opens its arms wide and tells me there’s no need to be afraid.
次々と景色は変わってく これから先はまだ見えないけど
The scenery changes from one moment to the next, and the future remains uncertain.
知りたいの どこまで行けるのかを
But I want to know how far I can go.
もっと強く生きたいよ もっと自由に動きたいよ
I want to live more powerfully, with more freedom.
To start over again...
例えつまずいたって 大きく出遅れたって
Even if I stumble or fall behind.
何かをなくしていたって もう一度 さぁ
Even if I lose everything, I can do it again. Go on, now!
前に進もう、笑って 例え世界が変わっても
Let's move forward with a smile, no matter what the world throws at us.
今からできることが ここにはある
There’s something we can do right here, right now.
太陽が瞳を閉じて ここでしか見えない私達の
The sun closes its eyes and here before us is our own private eternity.
永遠が両手広げて 大丈夫、こわくなんかないよって言う
It opens its arms wide and tells me there’s no need to be afraid.
次々と景色は変わってく これから先はまだ見えないけど
The scenery changes from one moment to the next, and the future remains uncertain.
知りたいの どこまで行けるのかを
But I want to know how far I can go.
動いてく 明日も今も なくならないものなんてどこにもないの
Things change all the time; nothing stays the same.
走ってく 目指すトコまで 大丈夫、きっといつかはたどりつくよ
We’ll keep running until we reach our goal. One day, we’ll get there.
次々と景色は変わってく これから先はまだ見えないけど
The scenery changes from one moment to the next, and the future remains uncertain.
確かめるの 私にできるのかを
I’m here to find out if I can do it.

Writer(s): lecca

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