misono - 家族の日 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation misono - 家族の日

Family Day
“My Dearest Dad and Mom,”
I may not want to grow up,
こんなパパとママみたいなら いつかなってもいいかな
But if I could be like you, Dad and Mom, I might not mind it so much.
...だけど いつまでも2人のコドモのままでいたいんだ
…Still, I want to be your little one forever.
My respectable father,
運動会 お父さんの声援にかなうものはなくて
On sports day, your cheers would lift me like nothing else,
そのおかげで 勝ち負け関係なく 最後まで諦める事しなかったんだ
And thanks to you, I always gave it my all, regardless of whether we won or lost.
I may have done whatever I pleased,
いつだって その背中を道しるべに
But your back has always guided my way.
口数少ないお父さんが 一度だけ怒った日
You, who rarely said a word, only got angry once,
And that memory is still a treasure to me.
何も言わずにいて 一歩先で守られてた
You stayed silent, protecting me from a distance.
I may have missed you when you were always working,
But your masculinity will always be unmatched.
お父さんの大切な人に 反抗してゴメンね
I’m sorry I rebelled against her, your precious one,
でも 僕が好きな人もお母さんに似てるんだ
But the one I love is just like my mother.
育ててくれて ありがとう
Thank you for raising me.
...だけど それまでは2人のコドモのままでいさせてネ
…But until then, let me stay your little one.
My wonderful mother,
遠足 お母さんの手料理にかなうものはなくて
On school trips, nothing could beat your home cooking,
そのおかげで 元気と楽しさが倍になり 友達まで笑顔になったんだ
And thanks to you, my energy and joy doubled, and my friends smiled too.
Whenever I got scared and turned around,
いつだって この背中をおしてくれた
Your back was always pushing me forward.
口うるさかったお母さんが 一度だけ泣いた日
The mother who was so often nagging only cried once,
And her memory will forever be precious to me.
傍をくっついてまわって たくさん教わったから
I always stuck close to you, learning so much.
You may be busy with everything at home,
いつまでも 私の目標でいてほしいの
But I hope you’ll always be my role model.
お母さんの愛する人に 冷たくしてゴメンね
I’m sorry I was cold to him, the one you love,
でも お父さんのような人のお嫁さんになりたい
But I want to be the wife of a man like my father.
生んでくれて ありがとう
Thank you for giving me life.
With a kiss, I “promise.”
It’s time for me to grow up now.
こんな2人みたいになって コドモ愛し続けるよ
I want to become like you two, and continue to love my children.
パパとママの お父さんお母さんにも感謝して
I’ll also express my gratitude to your own parents,
“Thank you.”

Writer(s): Misono, 所 ジョージ, 所 ジョージ, misono

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