nobodyknows+ - Smilin - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation nobodyknows+ - Smilin

全ては満たない最近の中で Night & Day
Everything's not enough these days, Night & Day
小さな幸せならきっといっぱいあるぜ Who Got a Pary?
There must be a lot of little happiness. Who Got a Party?
顔には出さないDay by Day ちっちゃなこの生活圏内で
I don't show it, Day by Day. In this small life sphere
派手じゃない分ほら愛しいわ Hey!! Who Got a Party?
It's not showy, but it's precious, Hey!! Who Got a Party?
どこにいったか分からねぇな 携帯やら時計「なにしとんの‾」なんて うるせえなボケ
I don't know where it went. my cell phone or watch. "What are you doing?" You're so annoying, asshole.
だらしねーのは 生まれつきさ ふくれた彼女も 後で謝ればOK!!
I was born sloppy. Even my angry girlfriend will be OK if I apologize later!!
いつもありがと 内助の功 こんな感じでこまらせんのは 毎度の事よ
Thank you always. You're a good wife. It's always like this. I'm sorry for worrying you.
このままじゃ 二つ並んだ 表札の名も消えて (2本線の横棒)
If this continues, the name on the signboard will disappear. (Two horizontal lines)
Oh My God!! そりゃ困るわ!! 心の声が声になりゃ そりゃ楽なるが
Oh My God!! That would be terrible!! If my inner voice could speak up, it would be easier.
言わんでしょ? 君とランデブーなんて 口から出んもんで 伝わらへんわ
I will not say it. A rendezvous with you. I won't say it out loud because it won't get through to you.
今日は近くのスーパーへ こんなちょっとした事でも 幸せだなんて
Today, I'm going to the nearby supermarket. Even this little thing makes me happy.
心の声 スパイスに入れて 今日は俺が作る 愛のカレーで
My inner voice. I'll put it in the spice. Today, I'll make a curry full of love for you.
何かそれそう いつもどおり 日々は 幾つかの 困難と喜びの間
That sounds good. The days are the same as usual. There are a few hardships and joys.
甘い感動も 辛い過去も 全部詰まって まだ足すand more
Sweet emotions and painful past. They're all packed in. And more.
何が有りで 何がなしなんて 分からず進む楽しさって 無いぜ
I don't know what's right or wrong, but it's fun to move forward without knowing.
なんせ結局は 自分が相手 昨日より今日よりも 笑っていたいぜ
After all, it's me and you. I want to laugh more today than yesterday.
全ては満たない最近の中で Night & Day
Everything's not enough these days, Night & Day
小さな幸せならきっといっぱいあるぜ Who Got a Pary?
There must be a lot of little happiness. Who Got a Pary?
顔には出さないDay by Day ちっちゃなこの生活圏内で
I don't show it, Day by Day. In this small life sphere
派手じゃない分ほら愛しいわ Hey!! Who Got a Party?
It's not showy, but it's precious, Hey!! Who Got a Party?
Good Timing まるで知ってたぐらいに 晴れ渡る空 雲一つない
Good Timing. As if you knew, the sky is clear. Not a single cloud.
買ったばっかりの 真っ白なシューズ こんな日にはピッタリの スタイリング
My new, pure white shoes. They're the perfect styling for a day like this.
街行く人にも 見られるいつもより あの店の店員も ニコニコ
People on the street are looking at me more than usual. Even the store clerk is smiling.
何か良い事 ありそうじゃない? こりゃ予定もないのに 期待度増す
Something good is going to happen, isn't it? I have no plans, but my expectations are growing.
駄々こねてようが 明日は来た来るし それなら堅苦しい事 考えないで
No matter how much I whine, tomorrow will come. So, let's not think about anything difficult.
気楽に行けば 心底 嫌な事なんかは 案外ないぜ
If we relax, we may not mind the unpleasant things.
T-シャツ反対前で 着たみたいに しっくりこなかった 昨日にさえも
Even if I wore my T-shirt backward, I didn't feel quite right yesterday.
全くなかった訳じゃない Smile 忘れてしまうには もったいねぇ
It's not like there was no Smile at all. It would be a waste to forget it.
気の持ち様で変わる 180度 見慣れてしまった 街中も
It changes with my mood. The familiar cityscape looks different, as if it's 180 degrees different.
嘘のように違って いつもどおりの朝が いつもより 清々しい
As if it were a lie, the usual morning feels fresher than usual.
冴えない顔しんと 笑って行こう ゆく道 全てが青信号
Let's not make a gloomy face. Let's laugh. The path ahead is all green lights.
そんなことが嬉しい それが嬉しい すれ違う人の 笑顔も眩しい
I'm happy about it. I'm happy about it. The smiles of the people I meet are dazzling.
全ては満たない最近の中で Night & Day
Everything's not enough these days, Night & Day
小さな幸せならきっといっぱいあるぜ Who Got a Pary?
There must be a lot of little happiness. Who Got a Pary?
顔には出さないDay by Day ちっちゃなこの生活圏内で
I don't show it, Day by Day. In this small life sphere
派手じゃない分ほら愛しいわ Hey!! Who Got a Party?
It's not showy, but it's precious, Hey!! Who Got a Party?

Writer(s): Dj Mitsu, Crystal Boy, dj mitsu, crystal boy

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