siilawy - يابا - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation siilawy - يابا

تعبنا وبنينا وكلو اخرو نهد علينا
We're tired, we built everything, and they ultimately destroyed us
والسواد الي فعنينا
And the blackness that's in our eyes
وكل اوجاع الدنيا فينا
And all the pains of the world are inside us
يمكن سندنا مش ساندنا زي مبدنا
Maybe our support didn't support us as we believed
وكل العالم وقفو ضدنا
And the whole world stood against us
بس برضو احنا منسينا
But still, we forgot
كثير ثواني ب بالي مرت علي شهور
So many seconds passed by in my mind like months
وكال بدوش ياني اكون شوي صبور
And as if a cold shower, I wish I'd been a little more patient
بدون غرور ومش حكون غفور
Without arrogance and I won't be forgiving
رح نبني قبور ورح ندفنهم كلهم
We'll build tombs and we'll bury them all
و ف عزاهم اخر اليل قرع طبول
And in the wake of their deaths, in the dead of night, we'll beat drums
يمكن لازم نحتير نتغير نتحايل علناس
Maybe we need to be confused, to change, to outsmart people
ونشبه غيرنا مروحين الحرام ب كياس
And be like others, carrying out crimes cleverly
وكل مصاري البنك اكون ماخذها من افواه الناس
And all the money in the bank, I'll have taken it from people's mouths
وزي ما تعودنا الحكي سعرو ببلاش
And as we're used to, the talk is free
وامتع فلمصاري ليلي واعطي لغيري
And I enjoy spending money in my nights and giving it to others
بس ابوي كان يقلي اذا قربت الحرام يولي
But my father used to tell me that if you approach evil, it will come
ا شو فادني غيري قلي
What use has it been for me? Tell me, my love
قلبو لوني بني
You've turned my color brown
تقول شيطان كني
You'd say I'm like a devil
حتى قبل م يجي الناس قتلولي ابني
Even before people came, they killed my son
كافي وجع يا روحيي
Enough pain, my dear
سمعنا حتى نوحي
They've heard even our moaning
تقلقش يابا ابنك جبل وصعب تهزو الريح
Don't worry, Dad, your son is a mountain and it's hard to shake him up
بس برضو ابنك ريح وهز جبال كثير ف ستريح
But still, your son is a wind and he's shaken many mountains, so rest
احنا ربينا فلشارع عايد رصيف وخطوطو
We were raised on the street on the edge of the sidewalk and its lines
وعنا ولاد البابا كل خميس علبارتي يفوتو
And the neighborhood kids come to my apartment every Thursday
لا بديش اصير زيهم بس ودوني ع نبتون
I don't want to be like them but take me to Neptune
اكون فوق الكواكب واسحب منهم كل قوتهم
I'll be above the planets and I'll draw all their power from them
يمكن طموحي اعلى من استاذك حتى
Maybe my ambition is higher than even your teacher's
حلمي اخلي العالم يسمعوني فوق المخدة
My dream is to make the world hear me above the pillow
عايش ومش شايف غير احلامي عم بتموت
I'm alive and I see nothing but my dreams dying
الدنيا اخدت كلشي وتركتلي بس هاذ الصوت
The world has taken everything and left me with only this voice
يمكن ل اغني او يمكن لتعرفو عني شوي
Maybe so I can sing or maybe so you can know me a little
بتعرفو الدنيا حرمتني حتى لو الضي
You know the world has deprived me, even if of the light
مفش فيي عندي لنو شجرتي وقعت
I have nothing left, because my tree has fallen
بلم شتات ايامي الي انفاسي فيها نقطعت
I'm gathering the fragments of my days, in which my breaths have been cut short
كنت كتوم دايما بس هلمرة قاعد بحكي
I was always discreet but this time I'm talking
حاب تشاركوني بس يخف وجعي بلكي
I'd like you to share with me, just to ease my pain
لنو العدل هيك بقول كلنا واحد
Because that's how justice is; I say we're all one
والي شايفو انو اوجاع الدنيا كلها بواحد
And those of you who think that all the pains of the world are in one person
بس مبحكي بس عن حالي
But I'm not just talking about myself
بحكي عنك انتا وهي
I'm talking about you and her
ما تحبس كلشي جوا وخلي القصة تكون مروية
Don't keep everything inside and let the story be told
سرقو احلام طفل شغوف كان نفسو يغني لما يكبر
They stole the dreams of a passionate child who wanted to sing when he grew up
ولما بلش يغني العالم عليه بتتمسخر
And when he started to sing, the world mocked him
ما وقف استسلم لنو هو قدوة حالو
He didn't give up, because he was his own role model
وصحيح كتير مرات افكار الانتحار عبالو
And it's true that many times he thought of suicide
انسو الحكيتو هاذ كان بداية لكتاب
Forget what they said; that was the beginning of a book
او اكتئاب انتا اختار الي بدك
Or depression, you choose
وانا متأكد انو كلمة زيادة رح تهدك
And I'm sure that one more word would destroy you
ومتنسى امك لما تقلك هيني جنبك
And don't forget your mother when she tells you I'm here for you
برحب فيكي بلعبتي وبقوانيني
I welcome you to my game and my rules
ولازم تعرفي انا كبيت كل حنيني
And you must know that I'm home to all my tenderness
مفش رحمة ليوم
There's no mercy today
مهيك علمتيني
Didn't I teach you that?
حضلني اضرب فيكي لحد متطلعي سوط ونيني
I'll keep hitting you until you turn into a whip and a whimp
يا دنيا انا شتريتك هسا اجثي وانحني
Oh world, I bought you, so now kneel and bow
الي البحر وانتي واقفة بمركبي
To the sea and you standing on my ship
تكركبي عادي مهيك كان وضعنا
You ride normally, that's how our situation was
من يوم ما نولدنا طلعتينا من بلدنا
From the day we were born, you took us from our country

Writer(s): Hosam Siilawy

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