traian - te caut - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation traian - te caut

te caut
I'm looking for you
M-am indragostit de tine rau
I fell deeply in love with you
Ma gandesc numa' la chipul tău
I only think about your face
Ochii tai sunt un drog si mi-au dat dependenta
Your eyes are a drug and I'm addicted
Mi-ai luminat toata noaptea prin simpla ta prezenta
You lit up my whole night with your mere presence
Yeah, si nu vreau sa te sperii
Yeah, and I don't want to scare you
Sunt un pic obsesiv
I'm a little obsessive
I'm tryina see some blood
I'm tryina see some blood
Da' nu sunt agresiv
But I'm not aggressive
You're better than my drugs
You're better than my drugs
Baby, you're so fine
Baby, you're so fine
Abia astept sa te vad
I can't wait to see you
Vapam DMT all night
Vaping DMT all night
Am intrat in club doar sa te caut
I came to the club just to look for you
Hai undeva unde suntem numa' noi doi
Let's go somewhere where it's just the two of us
Nu sunt narcisist da'-mi place sa ma laud
I'm not narcissistic but I like to brag
Am ochii goi, mi-e dor de buzele alea moi
My eyes are empty, I miss those soft lips
Doar tu ma faci sa ma simt asa
Only you make me feel this way
Un sentiment special, il simt atat de rar
A special feeling, I feel it so rarely
Si eu vreau sa te fac sa simti
And I want to make you feel
Emotia aia mistica dintre doi iubiti
That mystical emotion between two lovers
M-am indragostit de tine rau
I fell deeply in love with you
Ma gandesc numa' la chipul tău
I only think about your face
Ochii tai sunt un drog si mi-au dat dependenta
Your eyes are a drug and I'm addicted
Mi-ai luminat toata noaptea prin simpla ta prezenta
You lit up my whole night with your mere presence
M-am indragostit de tine rau
I fell deeply in love with you
Ma gandesc numa' la chipul tău
I only think about your face
Ochii tai sunt un drog si mi-au dat dependenta
Your eyes are a drug and I'm addicted
Mi-ai luminat toata noaptea prin simpla ta prezenta
You lit up my whole night with your mere presence

Writer(s): Traian Multi Talent

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