Árstíðir lífsins - Þeir heilags dóms hirðar - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Árstíðir lífsins - Þeir heilags dóms hirðar

Þeir heilags dóms hirðar
Guardians of the Holy See
Þeir heilags dóms hirðar, Þorvaldr Konráðsson inn víðfǫrli ok Stefnir Þorgilsson, lærðir dróttins hirðmenn sǫgðu hjálma buru mjǫk af þeirri fornu ok miskunnríku trú.
Guardians of the Holy See, Thorvald the Far-Traveler and Stefnir Thorisson, the learned priests of the Lord's court, bore the weight of the ancient and merciful faith.
Lagar mána askr tók trú, fengu allir skírn ok reistu svá patres dei píslar mark.
The laws of the moon tree embraced faith, all received baptism and thus the fathers of God planted the stake of martyrdom.
En sem þeir ferðask snævi þakin lǫnd villutrúar mæta þau herskáru andstefni.
But as they wandered through lands covered in snow, false believers met their heroic challenge.
Hildi var heygð er dróttins liði var meinat at vera.
War was waged when the Lord's army was prevented from being.
Bestlu rúðs forsar hoggnir ok ins hvíta krists menn af landi hraktir.
The river of red blood roared, the soldiers of the Holy Christ were driven from the land.
Eru þetta endalok tímans í synd ok valdleysi gegn Loka?
Is this the end of time, in sin and oppression against Loki?
Hú-mit dregr fram drýsla með hvapta hvítgeira, beitta sem vígleiptr, kalda hvítvǫllu rauða sem glóandi álfrǫðul ok tanna hvarf jafn ógeðfellt sem galdra smiðja elds heima.
The wolf drags forward through the storm with white fangs, biting like lightning, the cold white plain red like glowing embers and the gnashing of teeth as vile as the smith of the cursed fires of home.
En at Gautavík í Berufirði hvar hið gamla brann til Gauts vina, þar Kristni stýrir ok Klerkageymir eru sendir af Rauma Grundu lands stýranda.
But in Gautavik in Berufjord, where the old farm burned to the ground by the friends of Gaut, there the Christian ruler and the Clerk of the Church are sent by the ruler of the Rauma Grund.
Skulu þeir gefa ormsins búk nýja trú ok siði.
They shall give the serpent's belly a new faith and custom.
Á helgum degi Mikjáls erki engils tók Síðu-Hallr við skírn.
On the holy day of Michael the Archangel, Siduhallr accepted baptism.
Armdrósar eisu élrunnr kynnti nokkrum arinkjólum sem eggmóts ljós ǫllum um land allt ina nýju trú, en er neyddr til hólmgǫngu við Þorkel frá Stafafelli.
The dew of the grapevine adorned many with robes like the light of the spring equinox, throughout the land the new faith, but then forced into combat with Thorkel of Stafafell.
Aðeins Krists marks makt gat geira lundr vegit heiðingjann en á þó meira bǫl í vændum.
Only the power of Christ's cross could defeat the warrior-heathen, but more danger still loomed.
Fórn mikla gjǫrði Galdra-Héðinn sem ok lagði Unfress ǫ'rr sem hann reið yfir Mýrdalssanda.
Great sacrifice was made by Galdra-Hedinn, who also killed Unfress the arrow-swift as he rode across Myrdalssand.
Á Viðblinda galtar svalteigarrafi birtask kvíðvænlegir undirheimar.
On the pig-sty of Vidblind, the terrible underworld is revealed.
Yfirborð þundar beðja opnask ok gleypir heilann Niðar Vargs Lunds þrumseila Várar hval en leyfir dróttins vin til lífs.
The storms surge, the abyss opens and swallows the whole of Nidhogg, the serpent of Lund, but spares the Lord's friend.
Þá lostar kuldans hungraða hjǫr eptir Þorvaldi inum veila.
Then famine's hunger gnaws at the hearts after Thorvald the wanderer.
Hregg-Mímir liggr á orms váða eiðu frammi fyrir ýta dróttins ástvinar axlar fót.
Hregg-Mimir lies on the serpent's path, an oath before the foot of the beloved of the Lord of hosts.
Ryðfjónar gekk reynir randa suðr á landi beðs í boenar smiðju Baldrs sig-tólum halda; siðreynir lét síðan snjallr morðhamar gjalla hauðrs í hattar steðja hjaldrs Vetrliða skaldi.
Red-stained, the tester of shields went south on the land's bed, in the smithy of prayer, the bold Baldr-warriors; the tester of customs then let the clever hammer of murder ring, the hawk in the place of the hat, the shield of the poet Vetrlithi.
En hafskíðsstafr gefr sína bǫrðu braut til Ránar at Búlandsnesi.
But the staff of the sea wanderer gives its journey to Ran at Bulandsnes.
Steinunn Refsdóttir, móðir Hofgarða-Refs Gestssonar lét sitt svarðar land fljúga af brand-askers Fálkni.
Steinunn Refsdottir, mother of Hofgarda-Ref Gestsson, let her land of grass fly from the brand-warrior Fálknir.
Braut fyr bjǫllu gæti bǫnd rǫ'ku Val Strandar mǫgfellandi mellu mǫ'stalls vísund allan; hlífðit Kristr, þás kneyfði knǫrr, málmfeta varrar; lítt hykk at goð gætti Gylfa hreins at einu.
Broke before the bell's gaze, the bonds of Ran, the Strand's maiden, felling the mast of the stable's beast; Christ protect, when the ship was pinched, the feet of iron swayed; I think little that the gods guarded the pure Gylfi alone.
Þórr brá Þvinnils dýri Þangbrands ór stað lǫngu, hristi búss ok beysti barðs ok laust við jǫrðu; munat skíð um síðan sundfært Atals grundar, hregg því at hart tók leggja.
Thor brought Thvinnil's beast, Thangbrand, far from its place, shook the farm and the beast of the barn, and struck it against the ground; you will remember the ski on the sea, the quickly traveled ground of Atal, the wave took the leg hard.

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