Çantamarta - 88 Ft. Witto - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Çantamarta - 88 Ft. Witto

88 Ft. Witto
88 Ft. Witto
Jugando con la arena
Playing with the sand
Jugando con todo
Playing with everything
Mirada delante
Looking ahead
Mirá en 3-2
Look at 3-2
Chupa la marea
The tide is sucking
Nos jala a los dos
It's pulling us both
Nos lleva la marea
The tide is taking us
Nos jala a los dos
It's pulling us both
Rodando la calle llegué de primero
I rolled down the street and came in first
Limpias mi sangre
You clean my blood
Me das borojó
You give me borojó
Todos tus bailes son tan certeros
All your dances are so accurate
Me hablas de Celia, me hablas de todo
You talk to me about Celia, you talk to me about everything
Me hablas de todo
You talk to me about everything
Me hablas de todo
You talk to me about everything
y yo montados en la tabla los dos
You and I riding the board together
y yo
You and I
Cayendo en ocho tornillos
Falling on eight screws
Ocho tornillos
Eight screws
Un carajito
A little boy
Solo contigo
Only with you
Solo contigo mami me pierdo
Only with you, mommy, I get lost
Quemo madera gasto la lija
I burn wood, I use up the sandpaper
Noche soleada toda la vía
Sunny night all the way
Quiero rodar, quiero rodar
I want to roll, I want to roll
Dime decime cómo volar
Tell me, tell me how to fly
decidiste cómo va el plan
You decided how the plan goes
Te sigo ma' en lo que hagas
I follow you, ma', in whatever you do
Mami vamos bien rápido vamos y yo
Mommy, we're going so fast, it's just you and me
Aquí no siento el frío ven pégate con
I don't feel the cold here, come on, stick with me
Mira el aire en esas ramas
Look at the air in those branches
Mami mira bien el sol
Mommy, look at the sun
Mira el diamante en mis ojos
Look at the diamond in my eyes
Nunca antes así brilllo
I've never shone like this before
Mami vamos bien arriba
Mommy, we're way up high
Vamos y yo
Let's go, it's just you and me
Aquí no siento el vértigo, volemos los dos
I don't feel the vertigo here, let's fly
Mira la ciudad a lo lejos el ruido se marchó
Look at the city in the distance, the noise is gone
Al fondo de la noche mira arriba ahí está Orión
At the bottom of the night, look up, there's Orion
Ando despeinao
I'm disheveled
Contigo en la tabla al lao
With you next to me on the board
Si vienen curvas tranqui, ando sujetao'
If there are curves, don't worry, I'm holding on
Agarrado a su cintura, dale más
Holding on to your waist, give it more
Voy embalao
I'm letting loose
Cayendo en ocho tornillos
Falling on eight screws
Ocho tornillos
Eight screws
Un carajito
A little boy
Solo contigo
Only with you

Writer(s): Benito Casado Muñoz, Luis ángel Lozano Acosta, Luis Miguel Moscoso Cruz, Omar Roldán Molina

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