Đorđe Balašević - Pesma o jednom petlu - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Đorđe Balašević - Pesma o jednom petlu

Pesma o jednom petlu
Song of a Rooster
Im'o sam strašnog petla, bio je pravi đavo
I had a crazy rooster, he was a real devil
Na kiši i na vetru, uvek je staj'o pravo
In rain and wind, he always stood straight
Po selu perije leti, diže se strašna graja
He would run through the village, and there would be a lot of noise
U našoj kući uvek, bilo je dobrih jaja
In our house there were always good eggs
Im'o sam strašnog petla, bio je pravi ludak
I had a crazy rooster, he was a real fool
Koju taj koku kljucne, ko da je tresn'o budak
When he pecked a hen, it was like being hit by a log
A koke čudne ptice, uvek im srce puca
But hens are strange birds, they always fall for a heart
Za nekim grubijanom, koji dobro kljuca
For some rough guy who pecks well
Za njega nisu bile samo koke slatke
For him, it wasn't just the hens that were sweet
Ne, taj je skak'o i na guske i na patke
No, he would jump on geese and ducks
A tek na ćurke čim je bilo neke šanse
And when he had a chance, he would go for the turkeys
Ma princip je isti, sve su ostalo nijanse
But the principle was the same, it was all just nuances
Im'o sam strašnog petla, bio je malo čudan
I had a crazy rooster, he was a bit strange
Po danu nešto dremljiv, a'l noču uvek budan
He was a bit sleepy during the day, but he was always awake at night
Curice iz mog sela, čule su za tog dasu
The young girls in my village heard about this beast
Zbog tog sam petla i ja bio na dobrom glasu
And because of that rooster, I had a good reputation
Za njega nisu bile samo koke slatke
For him, it wasn't just the hens that were sweet
Ne, taj je skak'o i na guske i na patke
No, he would jump on geese and ducks
A tek na ćurke čim je bilo neke šanse
And when he had a chance, he would go for the turkeys
Ma princip je isti sve su ostalo nijanse
But the principle was the same, it was all just nuances
O im'o sam strašnog petla, bio je prvak sveta
Oh I had a crazy rooster, he was the world champion
Danas su petli čudni, svaka im dlaka smeta
Today's roosters are strange, they don't like any hair
Ja neznam šta je razlog, danas su drugi dani
I don't know what the reason is, today is a different day
Uglavnom spram mog petla, ovo su sve cerglani
Compared to my rooster, they are all just nerds
Meni je 'šesetpeta' stiže jesen pozna
I'm 'sixty-five', autumn is coming late
Putuje moje društvo, i ja čekam na red
My friends are traveling, and I'm waiting for my turn
Ne bi mi ova jesen bila tako grozna
This autumn wouldn't be so terrible for me
Da čujem petla barem mesećno jedared
If I could hear a rooster at least once a month
Poslušaj zato savet sto če ti ćića dati
So listen to the advice that your uncle will give you
Kad imaš mladog petla ne daj mu da se pati
When you have a young rooster, don't let him suffer
Pusti ga neka leti,neka ga koke vide
Let him fly, let the hens see him
Posle če biti kasno i petlu vreme ide
After that it will be too late, and the rooster's time will pass
Ajd' živeli

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