かりゆし58 - 予告編 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation かりゆし58 - 予告編

知ってるかい? 握りしめたこの手の中に何が隠されてるか
Do you know? What's hidden in this hand I'm clenching?
見たい? 見たい? でもまだ内緒さ 秘密の計画が進行中
Wanna see? Wanna see? But it's still a secret, my darling. A secret plan is in progress.
ただ点と点はいつか結びつくから その日をどうぞお楽しみに
Someday, all the dots will connect, so please look forward to that day.
乞うご期待 乞うご期待 からくり屋敷の謎が全部解けるぜ
Stay tuned, stay tuned. All the mysteries of this puzzle box will be revealed.
I'll deliver it to you as a grand spectacle,
The climax of a lifetime's effort.
感動に胸が震え 涙溢れ 愛の意味を知るでしょう
Your heart will tremble with emotion, tears will overflow, and you'll know the meaning of love, my sweet.
悲しみさえ 苦しみさえ 忘れてしまえるでしょう
Even sadness, even suffering, you'll be able to forget it all.
And then, eventually, you'll become a star, melting into the night sky and shining.
言葉なんてひとつもなく ただ静かに瞬く
Without a single word, just quietly twinkling.
The meticulously crafted plan is just waiting for the moment of success.
喰らいなさい 歴史を塗り替える国家機密レベルのミッション
Devour it, my love. A top-secret mission that will rewrite history.
ひとつ空いてる席は君のものさ ご心配なく 抜かりはないぜ
That one empty seat is yours. Don't worry, I've got everything covered.
乞うご期待 乞うご期待 極上のひとときを君に贈るぜ
Stay tuned, stay tuned. I'll give you the time of your life.
I'll deliver it with a stunning, all-star cast,
At the moment we reach uncharted territory.
世界中の嘘も罪もすべて消えて 夢のような景色と
All the lies and sins of the world will disappear, and with a dreamlike scenery,
Everyone will find the truth they've been searching for.
そしてやがて花になって 風の中でほころぶ
And then, eventually, you'll become a flower, blooming in the wind.
言葉なんてひとつもなく ただあるがままにある
Without a single word, just existing as you are.
もう少しさ その時までどうか忘れずにいて
Just a little longer, please don't forget until then,
生きることを 願うことを 繋ぐ手の温もりを
To live, to hope, the warmth of our connected hands.
そしてどうか思い出して なくしたものはきっとその手の中
And please remember, what you've lost is surely in your hand.
開いてみて 握り締めた拳を
Open it, your clenched fist.

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