エトリオール - ソルラルくれにゃ! - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation エトリオール - ソルラルくれにゃ!

Sorla! (Thank You)!
にゃ~! 天真爛漫な進行 それと常に私ハイテンションプリーズオーライ
Meow~! I hope you enjoy the broadcast today. I tend to get high-tension from time to time
(Sometimes my replies are cryptic, and the following segment may not include them)
モ~! グラマーボディーで魅せちゃうわ そして愛しのにゃ~たんミーツラブ
Moo~! I'll seduce you with my glamorous body and give plenty of love
(変態注意発令中 際どいショツトドM)
(Warning: Perverts will be punished. Please hold yourself back)
ウリ~! 非常食じゃないですです そしてやっぱり時々毒舌ですです
Oori~! I'm not emergency food, but sometimes I can be a little toxic
(将来期待sugarless girl ですです師匠なんですです)
(I am a future sugarless girl in training my master is ~)
さぁ! みんなの願いを叶えてありがとうを集めに今週も 行っくにゃー!
Saa~! Let's make everyone's wishes come true and go out there to collect "Thank You!"s this week, too!
(いつまでもlisten! 来週だってそうcheck it out!)
(Please keep listening! Next week will be great, too. Check it out!)
みんなが支えてくれてる、いつも だからそうみんなに伝えたえなきゃ
You're all supporting me. That's why I want to tell all of you
「Sorla! (Thank You)」
ねぇ今から13年後 みんなは何を見てる?
Hey, what will you be watching 13 years from now?
あぁ1月みんなに会えるのかしら... 会いたいにゃ!
Ah, I wonder if I will be able to meet you all in January. I want to see you!
Let's have some casual talk and chat about different interesting topics (desu)!
(毎回うるさくて それでも楽しくて)
(I get a little loud sometimes, but I'm pretty fun to be around)
ねぇ一緒に作っていこうよ だからまたみんなのお便り待ってるにゃー!
Hey, let's create this show together, so I'm looking forward to hearing from you again!
(一緒に楽しんじゃおう もっとさらけ出しちゃって)
(Let's enjoy this together. Open up more to me)
もっとほしいにゃ! みんなの「ソルラル(ありがとう)」
I want more of your “Sorla! (Thank You)!"s
That's why I want to fulfill as many of your wishes as I can
あぁ想いは伝わって 明日の糧になればいいな
Ah, I hope my message gets through to you and becomes your motivation for tomorrow
言葉で言わせて 素直なままの「ソルラル(ありがとう)」
I'm speaking my mind and giving an honest “Sorla! (Thank You)!"
あぁ ...ソルラル... あぁ...
Aa ...Sorla... Aa...
子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥, ねこ x6
Rat, Cow, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Bird, Dog, Pig, Cat x6
I hope to see you all in January, 13 years from now
言葉で言わせて 素直なままの「ソルラル(ありがとう)
I'm speaking my mind and giving an honest “Sorla! (Thank You)

Writer(s): Junky

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