カラオケ歌っちゃ王 - 地獄でなぜ悪い (オリジナルアーティスト:星野 源) [カラオケ] - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation カラオケ歌っちゃ王 - 地獄でなぜ悪い (オリジナルアーティスト:星野 源) [カラオケ]

地獄でなぜ悪い (オリジナルアーティスト:星野 源) [カラオケ]
Hell Why Is It So Bad (Original Artist: Gen Hoshino) [Karaoke]
病室 夜が心をそろそろ蝕む
Hospital Night starts to slowly eroding the heart
唸る隣の部屋が 開始の合図だ
The room next door groaning is the starting cue
いつも夢の中で 痛みから逃げてる
Always running away from the pain in my dreams
あの娘の裸とか 単純な温もりだけを
Just that girl's naked body and the simple warmth
無駄だ ここは元から楽しい地獄だ
It's no use This is already a fun hell
生まれ落ちた時から 出口はないんだ
There's no exit from the moment you're born
いつも窓の外の 憧れを眺めて
Always looking at the yearnings outside the window
希望に似た花が 女のように笑うさまに
To the appearance of a flower that resembles hope
Reaching out
嘘でなにが悪いか 目の前を染めて広がる
What's wrong with a lie The sight in front of me spreads and expands
ただ地獄を進む者が 悲しい記憶に勝つ
Those who merely journey through hell defeat the sad memories
教室 群れをはぐれた 重い空を行く
Classroom Separated from the flock, I cross the heavy air
生まれ落ちた時から 居場所などないさ
There's no place to belong from the moment I'm born
いつも窓の外の 標識を眺めて
Always looking at the road sign outside the window
非道に咲く花が 女のように笑うさまに
To the appearance of a flower that blossoms cruelly
Reaching out
作り物で悪いか 目の前を染めて広がる
What's wrong with an artifice The sight in front of me spreads and expands
動けない場所からいつか 明日を掴んで立つ
May you someday stand and grasp tomorrow from this immovable place
Stand and grasp tomorrow
幾千もの 幾千もの 星のような 雲のような
Thousands and thousands Like stars like clouds
「どこまでも」が いつの間にか 音を立てて 崩れるさま
The "to the ends of the earth" crashes down making a sound
嘘で出来た世界が 目の前を染めて広がる
A world made of lies spreads out and covers the view in front of me
ただ地獄を進む者が 悲しい記憶に勝つ
Those who merely journey through hell defeat the sad memories
作り物だ世界は 目の前を染めて広がる
The world is an artifice The sight in front of me spreads and expands
動けない場所から君を 同じ地獄で待つ
May you await me in this same hell
From this unmoving place

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