ケツメイシ - 手紙 ~未来 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation ケツメイシ - 手紙 ~未来

手紙 ~未来
Letter ~Future
努力嫌いな俺 今日以来
I used to hate putting in effort. That has changed.
For my future self in ten years, and for you in the distant future,
日々 地道にと 誓った手紙の中の願い
I swear in this letter, I will work hard and diligently every day.
でかい大人になるため 絶対限界まで走り抜けるまで
I will keep running until I reach my limits, to become a great adult.
I will never give up, and I will work day and night.
Today, I am taking it easy, but I will live each day with pride.
堂々と生きる日々 想像の中で膨らむ君の
I imagine your face, which fills my mind.
姿 擦れた君の気持ち時を戻し伝える為の手紙
This letter is to show you how you felt, and to take you back in time.
女神は? 隣にまだいるのかい
My love, are you still by my side?
Is my home filled with laughter?
If you are happy, I will say nothing,
But if you love me, come to me.
The next ten years will be like a spinning roulette wheel,
同じ目は無い 同じ明日はないって言うぜ
No two spins are the same, and no two tomorrows are the same.
その先に立つ 君には 何が映る
What do you see when you look ahead?
この先に待つ 日々には 何が続く
What will the future hold for me?
Each day, I work on myself, little by little.
未来の俺に誇れるもの 磨きに
I strive to become someone my future self can be proud of.
理想の地にいる君と 互いに
I hope to meet you in a place where we are both happy.
I am taking one step closer to you each day.
一日一歩ずつ君に近づく 君の足跡を踏む
I will follow in your footsteps, even if I stumble or fall.
同じ道行く つまずいても 転んでも
I don't need your help, and I don't need a reply. I will never be you.
助けはいらない 返事もいらない 君にはなれない
I don't know what you don't know,
俺の知らないもの あるだろうが
And you have probably forgotten some things.
君の忘れてるもの あるだろうな
You don't need to read this letter now.
Keep it close to your heart for ten years.
In a future that I have yet to see,
まだ見たことない 未来で
I will be bravely fighting.
勇敢に戦う 俺がいる
I know it will be so.
きっとそうだろ どうなの?
What do you think?
未来の俺らの 状況は!?
What will our future be like?
まだ見たことない 未来で
In a future that I have yet to see,
勇敢に戦う 俺がいる
I will be bravely fighting.
きっとそうだろ どうなの?
I know it will be so.
未来のみんなの 状況は
What will the future hold for all of us?
I am looking forward to our great future.
I wonder what kind of man I will be in ten years.
惚れ惚れするほどに どれほどの男に
Will I be a man you can be proud of?
なってるのか 今この俺に 勝ってるのか
Will I be better than I am now?
優しく俺を そこで 待ってるのか
Will you be waiting for me there?
一、二、三年じゃ足んねぇ わかんねぇ あと何年
One, two, three years is not enough. I don't know how many more years.
頑張って辿り着ける感銘 半生
I will keep striving until I reach my goal.
Looking back, my goals seem so small.
行き先は誰も知らねぇ 神様もきっと
No one knows the future, not even God.
全ては決まってるさ なんて君は言う
You say that everything is predetermined,
嗚呼くだらない つまらないし 心埋まらない
Oh, how boring and meaningless that is.
つまらない 小せぇ人生より
I would rather live a crazy life,
綱渡りの人生で 憂さ晴らし 俺はそれがいい
A life full of ups and downs.
あえて知らないページ 俺がめくろう
I will turn the pages that no one else knows.
誰も知らないレール 俺が築こう
I will build my own path.
まだ見たことない 未来で
In a future that I have yet to see,
勇敢に戦う 俺がいる
I will be bravely fighting.
きっとそうだろ どうなの?
I know it will be so.
未来の俺らの 状況は!?
What do you think?
まだ見たことない 未来で
What will our future be like?
勇敢に戦う 俺がいる
In a future that I have yet to see,
きっとそうだろ どうなの?
I will be bravely fighting.
未来のみんなの 状況は
I know it will be so.
俺は走ってるのか 走り続けてるのか
What will the future hold for all of us?
Am I still running, or have I stopped?
すべて知る君 時埋めてく意味
How much further do I have to go to catch up to you?
そっちはどうなの? こっちはもう
You know everything. What is the meaning of my life?
何て聞きたい 言いたいんだそこで生きてたい
How are you? I want to hear from you. I want to live there with you.
You will probably give me some vague advice, but I don't care.
知らねぇいらねぇ 俺は俺
I am who I am.
My future is uncertain, but I will let the wind guide me.
この先の前途多難も これまでの楽しみや我慢も
I know that the road ahead will be difficult, but I will endure.
すべて知る君なら 俺の気持ちにまた
You know my feelings, and you will always be there for me.
You will never give up on me.
この先の前途多難も これまでの楽しみや我慢も
The road ahead will be difficult, but I will find my way.
俺の生きる意味なら 先の道のりから
The meaning of my life is to keep moving forward.
The future is unknown, but I will keep going.
まだ見たことない 未来で
In a future that I have yet to see,
勇敢に戦う 俺がいる
I will be bravely fighting.
きっとそうだろ どうなの?
I know it will be so.
未来の俺らの 状況は
What do you think?
まだ見たことない 未来で
What will our future be like?
勇敢に戦う 俺がいる
In a future that I have yet to see,
きっとそうだろ どうなの?
I will be bravely fighting.
未来のみんなの 状況は
I know it will be so.
まだ見たことない 未来で
What will the future hold for all of us?
勇敢に戦う 俺がいる
In a future that I have yet to see,
きっとそうだろ どうなの?
I will be bravely fighting.
未来の俺らの 状況は
I know it will be so.
まだ見たことない 未来で
What do you think?
勇敢に戦う 俺がいる
What will our future be like?
きっとそうだろ どうなの?
In a future that I have yet to see,
未来のみんなの 状況は
I will be bravely fighting.
まだ見たことない 未来で
I know it will be so.
勇敢に戦う 俺がいる
What will the future hold for all of us?
きっとそうだろ どうなの?
In a future that I have yet to see,
未来の俺らの 状況は
I will be bravely fighting.
まだ見たことない 未来で
I know it will be so.
勇敢に戦う 俺がいる
What do you think?
きっとそうだろ どうなの?
What will our future be like?
未来のみんなの 状況は
In a future that I have yet to see,
まだ見たことない 未来で
I will be bravely fighting.
勇敢に戦う 俺がいる
I know it will be so.
きっとそうだろ どうなの?
What will the future hold for all of us?

Writer(s): 大塚 亮二, 田中 亮, 大塚 亮二, 田中 亮

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