Junko Yagami - 約束 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Junko Yagami - 約束

小春日和の公園を 昔のように手をつなぎ歩く
Walking hand-in-hand through the park on this mild winter day, just like we used to.
見つめて話して 心が息をした
Gazing into your eyes, talking, my heart feels at peace.
あなた育てた早生みかん 今年も小さな甘い実つけた
The early-season mandarin oranges you grew have borne small, sweet fruit again this year.
うまいぞと言って 一つ口にくれた
You said, "They're delicious," and offered me one.
こんな日々を重ねることが 怖くもなるの 幸せだから
The thought of these days continuing, it makes me afraid, because I'm so happy.
願いはいつでも2人で いつまでも一緒にいれば
My wish is to always be together, the two of us, forever.
心地よい風がそよぐ めぐり逢えてよかった
A comfortable breeze blows. I'm so glad I met you.
久しぶりにけんかをして 口きかないわと決めてはみても
Even when we have a rare argument and I decide I won't speak to you,
寂しくなって 「あのね...」と声かけた
I get lonely and say, "Hey..."
星を数えたベランダで 思い起こす静かな流れ
On the veranda where we counted the stars, I recall the quiet flow of time.
色と音 においも すべてがいとおしい
The colors, the sounds, the scents, everything is precious.
いつか別れがふいに訪れ もしも私が 先に旅立つならば
If parting should come suddenly someday, if I should be the first to leave this world,
その時強く抱きしめて 柔らかな温かい胸
At that time, hold me tightly, against your soft and warm chest.
あなたの鼓動 聴きながら 眠りにつきたいから
As I listen to your heartbeat, I want to fall asleep.
最後に私 微笑むわ とびきりの心をこめた
At the very end, I'll smile, with all my heart.
ありがとうを言うために 大好きなあなたへ
To say thank you, to my beloved you.
駅から続く坂道を 増えた長い影 互いに踏んで
Walking up the hill from the station, our long shadows stretching and overlapping.
夕陽に包まれ 小指をからませた
Bathed in the setting sun, we linked our pinkies.
I promise you.

Writer(s): Junko Yagami

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