刺猬乐队 - A Newborn Baby Sleep Talking About The Dream Through Life - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation 刺猬乐队 - A Newborn Baby Sleep Talking About The Dream Through Life

A Newborn Baby Sleep Talking About The Dream Through Life
A Newborn Baby Sleep Talking About The Dream Through Life
我的梦里 有你有我
In my dream there's you and me
从一开始就显得 不那么真实
From the very beginning it seemed so unreal
当赤诚的心 再无法背叛年轻
When my honest heart no longer could betray my youth
所有明日今昔 那时便已注定
All the tomorrows and yesterdays were already destined at that time
啊... 啊... 啊... 啊... 啊... 啊...
生活中我们总是 看似若无其事
In life, we always pretend to be indifferent
的期待着某天梦想 会照进现实
Nostalgically expecting the day our dreams come true
生命穿梭于梦境 黑夜里追逐不停
My life continues through the dream, chasing in the dark night
半生未定已尝尽 生而为人的孤伶
Half of my life is not yet determined, already exhausted from being born a lonesome human
啊... 啊... 啊... 啊... 啊... 啊...
翻滚的时代浪潮中 曾有多少灵魂抗争
In the turbulent waves of time, how many souls have struggled
飞扬的青春故事后 藏有多少心灵触痛
Under the superficial stories of unrestrained youth, how many souls have been hurt
风吹过了四季 又一年花残月落无声
The wind has blown through four seasons, another year ends, flowers wither, and the moon goes down in silence
雨打透了我心 浪迹于苍茫人海中
Rain drenches my heart, and I wander in the vast sea of humanity
赤子之心 赴以一梦 终其一生
My pure heart, follows my dream, ends its life
赤子之诚 愿以一曲 善梦而终
My pure sincerity, wishes to end with a song, a good dream
赤子一梦 今生燃 然生之响往
My pure dream, this life burns, and aspires to live
赤子今生 一梦圆 源心之所向
My pure life, this dream is fulfilled, it follows my heart's desire
啊... 啊... 啊... 啊... 啊... 啊...
啊... 啊... 啊... 啊... 啊... 啊...
履尽 喧哗路市 渐淡了红尘事
I walked through the bustling streets, gradually faded away from mundane matters
窗前吁叹 今世此生 呓语梦之
I sigh by the window, lamenting this life, sleep-talking of my dream
月下 千思百问 谁主沉浮一世
Under the moon, a thousand thoughts and a hundred questions, who controls life and death
赤子丹心 四海纵横 以此明志
With a pure heart, traveling the world, I show my determination
昨日黄花 无怨无悔 落叶凋残 舍我其谁
The flowers of yesterday have no regrets, leaves fall and die, who else but me

Writer(s): Nel

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