Rene Liu - 依偎 (戲劇《緊急公關》插曲) - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Rene Liu - 依偎 (戲劇《緊急公關》插曲)

依偎 (戲劇《緊急公關》插曲)
Snuggling Close (Drama "Emergency PR" Interlude)
我靜靜看著陽台外 遙遠的天際
I quietly watch the distant horizon outside the balcony
當你問起 關於抉擇的問題
When you ask about the question of choice
愛或被愛拉鋸 有可惜才會珍惜
The tug-of-war between loving and being loved, it's the regret that makes us cherish
終其一生 我們都在做決定
Throughout our lives, we are all making decisions
我也想握緊 愛你的運氣
I also want to hold tight to the luck of loving you
我能努力的 只有努力
All I can do is try my best
孤單是為你 訂製的秘密
Loneliness is a secret tailored for you
So I can give myself to you
天荒地老 不太重要
Forever and ever isn't so important
承諾太多 怕被你嘲笑
Too many promises, I'm afraid you'll laugh at me
所有願望 都像取巧
All wishes seem like taking shortcuts
我只想依偎 你的美好
I just want to snuggle close to your goodness
思念悄悄流進 我的不安裡
Longing quietly flows into my unease
在每一個困境 幸好我還有你
In every difficult situation, thankfully I still have you
請為我輕輕擦去 悲觀的命題
Please gently wipe away the pessimistic propositions for me
Can you give me a little more courage?
我如此僥倖 嘗過了分離
I'm so fortunate to have tasted separation
分離讓我 懂得謙虛
Separation has taught me humility
那些不確定 使我更愛你
Those uncertainties make me love you even more
I want to give the world to you
天荒地老 言之過早
Forever and ever is too early to say
未來難說 現在就擁抱
The future is uncertain, let's embrace now
歲月如果 回報太少
If time gives back too little
先讓我依偎 你的微笑
Let me first snuggle close to your smile
天荒地老 言之過早
Forever and ever is too early to say
未來難說 現在就擁抱
The future is uncertain, let's embrace now
歲月如果 回報太少
If time gives back too little
請讓我依偎 你的微笑
Please let me snuggle close to your smile

Writer(s): Composer Author Unknown, Yan Shan Pan

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