周深 - 好好生活就是美好生活 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation 周深 - 好好生活就是美好生活

Living Well Is a Good Life
想起我小時候 喜歡在雨中奔跑
I remember when I was a child, I loved running in the rain
想要買張車票 去給她一個擁抱
I wanted to buy a train ticket to go and give her a hug
等鋪上了地毯 也要養上一隻貓
When the carpet is laid, I'll also get a cat
晚霞染紅天空 沉悶日子會有風
The sunset paints the sky red, the dull days will be windy
曾經害怕的她 現在還牽掛著他
She used to be afraid of him, but now she still cares about him
晚風輕撫臉頰 心事也慢慢放下
The evening breeze caresses her cheeks, and her worries slowly fade away
親愛的朋友啊 我要拉著你慢跑
My dear friend, I want to take you for a slow jog
想和她有個家 就像夢裡的那樣
I want to have a home with her, just like in my dreams
狂風 不停 我也不會畏懼
No matter how violent the storm, I will not be afraid
因為有你 和我一起
Because you're with me
人生多麼美妙 記得保持微笑
Life is so wonderful, remember to smile
A beautiful life will embrace you
好好地吃個飯 好好地睡一覺
Eat well, sleep well
好好生活 原來就是美好
Living well turns out to be beautiful
唱一首我懷念的 遇見青春年少
Sing a song I miss, meet the youth
這平凡的一天 慶祝沒虛度一秒
This ordinary day, celebrate not wasting a second
奪冠的一瞬間 眼裡含滿了驕傲
The moment of victory, my eyes filled with pride
神州飛向了太空 仰望天宮英雄
Shenzhou flew into space, looking up at the heroes of the Heavenly Palace
人生多麼美妙 記得保持微笑
Life is so wonderful, remember to smile
A beautiful life will embrace you
好好地吃個飯 好好地睡一覺
Eat well, sleep well
好好生活 原來就是美好
Living well turns out to be beautiful
在夕陽下奔跑 日子揚起微笑
Run in the sunset, the days rise with a smile
A beautiful life dances freely
好好經歷長大 好好陪你變老
Experience growing up well, accompany you growing old well
好好地紀錄 好好的美好
Record the good and the beautiful well
新的一年 我們一定要好好
In the new year, we must live well
新的一天 我們一定好好
In the new day, we must live well

Writer(s): Su Jing Kai, 劉文策, 张莹

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