姜育恆 - 一如往昔 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation 姜育恆 - 一如往昔

Forever the Same
Song Name: Forever the Same
专辑名称:旅 显示本专辑歌词列表
Album Name: Journey Show Lyrics for This Album
Year Released: 1991
Record company: Unknown
Language Category: Mandarin
Singer Name: Jiang Yuheng
Singer Category: Taiwanese Male Singer
Singer Category: Taiwanese Male Singer
Edited by Dainiaobird
还是一片 夜色凄迷
Forever the night is dark and gloomy
还是一场 细雨飘零
Forever the rain falls softly
还是要等 酒后微醺
Forever I have to be a little drunk
Before you walk into my dreams
来不及问 你冷不冷
I run out of time to ask you if you're cold
来不及说 伴我一生
I run out of time to say, stay with me forever
来不及开 心中的门
I run out of time to open the door in my heart
But you leave quietly and without a trace
在雨里望着你 在风里惦着你
In the rain, I watched you, in the wind, I thought of you
在夜里想着你 在梦里念着你
In the night, I dreamed of you, in my dreams, I called for you
在心里深爱着你 在眼里埋怨着你
In my heart, I loved you deeply, in my eyes, I resented you
How can I forget everything
一如往昔 天已微明
Forever the same, it's almost dawn
一如往昔 寂寞冷清
Forever the same, lonely and desolate
一如往昔 我没有你
Forever the same, I don't have you
I only have tears, alcohol, and myself
在雨里望着你 在风里惦着你
In the rain, I watched you, in the wind, I thought of you
在夜里想着你 在梦里念着你
In the night, I dreamed of you, in my dreams, I called for you
在心里深爱着你 在眼里埋怨着你
In my heart, I loved you deeply, in my eyes, I resented you
How can I forget everything
一如往昔 天已微明
Forever the same, it's almost dawn
一如往昔 寂寞冷清
Forever the same, lonely and desolate
一如往昔 我没有你
Forever the same, I don't have you
I only have tears, alcohol, and myself
一如往昔 天已微明
Forever the same, it's almost dawn
一如往昔 寂寞冷清
Forever the same, lonely and desolate
一如往昔 我没有你
Forever the same, I don't have you
I only have tears, alcohol, and myself
一如往昔 我没有你
Forever the same, I don't have you
I only have tears, alcohol, and myself

Writer(s): Liu Yu Rui, 陳耀川

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