Joey Yung - Medley: 密友 / 損友 / 心甘命抵 / 早有預謀 / 罪魁 / 借過 / 我也不想這樣 (Live) - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Joey Yung - Medley: 密友 / 損友 / 心甘命抵 / 早有預謀 / 罪魁 / 借過 / 我也不想這樣 (Live)

Medley: 密友 / 損友 / 心甘命抵 / 早有預謀 / 罪魁 / 借過 / 我也不想這樣 (Live)
Medley: Close Friend / Bad Friend / Heartfelt / Premeditated / Culprit / Excuse Me / I Don't Want This Either (Live)
【Close Friend】
彼此間再親 而在眼裡都不配襯
We're so close, yet we don't match in each other's eyes
如若靠近 途人便會指控變犯人
If we get close, others will accuse us of being criminals
即使關了燈 誰又介意家中接吻
Even if we turn off the lights, who cares if we kiss at home?
然後一吻 無奈讓我醒覺有別人
And then a kiss, helplessly, makes me realize that there's someone else
注定傷心 誰明白我已被困
Destined to be heartbroken, who can understand that I'm trapped?
Do I still have the strength to wait?
The day I'm no longer resentful
*我 暗地裡豁出去
*I secretly go all out
We meet at home
But unfortunately, those words still can't fight off
That it's wrong to love a close friend
That it's inappropriate to love a close friend
反對 若這樣愛的情侶*
Disapprove, if a couple loves like this*
傷口早太深 無謂勉強死撐獻吻
The wounds are already too deep, no point in stubbornly continuing to kiss
如若一吻 誰人便放開最愛下沉
If a kiss, makes anyone give up their beloved and sink
我別天真 明明是兩臂在震
I'm not naive, my arms are obviously shaking
Do I still have the strength to wait?
The day I'm no longer resentful
I can't go all out anymore
Happiness has already been shattered
Just because others said a few more words
With all sorts of differences
This kind of love is too wrong
反對 密友若化身情侶
Disapprove, if a close friend becomes a lover
【Bad Friend】
I once stayed up all night drinking with you
And I was once smoked out by you
何時與你成為摯友 同走過寂寞時候
When did we become close friends, going through lonely times together?
But it's difficult to become your passionate lover
寧願留下友情 情份更是永久
I'd rather keep our friendship, which is more permanent
*誰更清楚 清楚你的風流
*Who knows your charm better?
纏住你手 只怕熱淚會流
Holding your hand, I'm afraid tears will fall
和你能 扮演好友 男士那般搭膊頭
I can play a friend with you, like men who put their arms around each other
和你牽手 只恐怕太荒謬
Holding your hand, I'm afraid it's too ridiculous
還是當你一位損友 沒寄望 沒強求(若我離開 你不曾內疚)*願能在你失意熱情慰問
I'd rather be a bad friend to you, with no expectations, no demands (if I leave, you won't feel guilty)*I hope to offer warm regards when you're失意
I couldn't get a kiss from you when you were drunk
誰人與你成為愛侶 能保證絕無掛慮
Who can be your lover and guarantee that there will be no worries?
談情說愛 何日都可告吹
Falling in love and talking about love can be over any day
寧願留下友情 傷心都只可鬥嘴
I'd rather keep our friendship, and we'll only argue when we're sad
REPEAT *縱使找到新歡 你也會笑著不內疚
REPEAT *Even if you find a new love, you'll smile and not feel guilty
誰昨晚共你一起 用情如像遊戲
Who was with you last night, using love like a game?
我沒福氣去責備你 無謂揭露誰在妒忌
I don't have the blessing to blame you, it's useless to reveal who's jealous
就怪我太清楚 清楚你的風流
It's just that I know you too well, I know your charm
I understand that you'll always get tired of the old and love the new
寧願當好友 無愁無慮地碰頭
I'd rather be a good friend, without worries or demands
和你牽手 只恐怕太荒謬
Holding your hand, I'm afraid it's too ridiculous
還是當最忠心損友 沒寄望 沒強求
I'd rather be the most loyal bad friend, with no expectations, no demands
若我離開 你不曾內疚
If I leave, you won't feel guilty
是友情 沒強求
It's friendship, no demands
永開不到口 愛戀有沒有
I can never say whether I'm in love or not
還未看到木村 離別當初的隊員
Before I saw Kimura, my teammates left
如你我這就算 風光真的太短
Like you and me, this is it, the glory is really too short
還未說到木村 何日變節再熱戀
Before I could talk about Kimura, when will he cheat again?
與你一起給他算算 也許可扼多幾天寒暄
With you, we can count it together, maybe we can live a few more days
#你最初答應過我什麼 我最終錯過了什麼
#You promised me in the beginning what, I eventually missed what?
不見得 曾討好過我 起碼也要憎恨我
I don't think I've ever pleased you, at least you should hate me
你至少怪責我什麼 才清楚你當我什麼
You should at least blame me for something, so that I know what you think of me
紀念留到夠多 才能甘心將錯就錯
Save enough memories, then I can willingly take the wrong way
眼淚還有很多 何必要急於背叛我#
I still have a lot of tears, why do you have to betray me in such a hurry?#
還沒有去受洗 尋覓天主的安慰
I haven't been baptized yet, to seek the comfort of God
而你已想越軌 竟不顧我垂危
And you already want to cross the line, ignoring my danger
還沒法愛下位 還未愛到你自毀
I can't love the next one yet, I haven't loved you enough to destroy yourself
試過牽手參觀葬禮 縱使分手都心甘命抵repeat #
I've tried holding hands at a funeral, even if we break up, I'll be willing to repeat #
還未愛到我變心 也未吻到我消沉
I haven't loved you enough to change my heart, I haven't kissed you enough to make me depressed
何不等等 愛到恨都不能恨 難道我會甘心
Why don't you wait until I love you so much that I can't even hate you, would I be willing?
你這麼快要撤退幹什麼 我最多再要半秒怕什麼
Why are you leaving so soon, at most I need half a second, what are you afraid of?
不要緊乘機鞭撻我 等我去承認坎坷
Don't take the opportunity to lash out at me, wait for me to admit my difficulties
我不知你貢獻過我什麼 而天知道我欠了你什麼
I don't know what you've contributed to me, and God knows what I owe you
結局還有很多 為何只得這個後果
There are still many endings, why is there only this consequence?
劫難還有很多 何必太心急去害我
There are still many disasters, why are you in such a hurry to harm me?

Writer(s): Albert Leung, Chan Fai Yeung, Dennie Wong, Eva Chan, Wyman Wong, 伍仲衡, 李峻一, 鄧智偉

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