Shizuka Kudo - Manatsu no Shinkirou - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Shizuka Kudo - Manatsu no Shinkirou

Manatsu no Shinkirou
Mirage of Mid Summer
胸の鼓動が 波おこすから
My heart beats with passion, like waves crashing on the shore
貴方のそばには 二度ともう戻らない
I'll never return to your embrace, never anymore
真夏の恋 蜃気楼
Midsummer love, a mirage
Sipping a cold beer
彼女 まぶい なんて ほら また言ってる
She's so radiant, you say, making me green with envy
ちょっと聞く うわさじゃ
I've heard a whisper through the grapevine
渚の風 誰の事 風も泣くわ
The wind whispers along the shore, as if it too weeps for me
You, 私だけ you, 見ていて
You, I beg you to look only at me
そんな事 無理だよね
But I know it's impossible
誰も 彼も みんな 浮かれて
Everyone is so carefree and happy
小麦色素肌 さめた頃は
When my tan fades
よそ見しないで 背中 抱きしめてよ
Don't look away, hold me close
浮気な 風に吹かれて
Blown by the flirtatious wind
去年の今日 バースデイ まちがえてた
Last year, I mistakenly celebrated your birthday on the wrong day
誰のため 買ったの?
For whom did you buy those flowers?
よく聞く インフォメーション
The radio blares out all the latest gossip
約束の日 ほっとけない 彼の週末
I can't ignore our promised date, your weekend
Hey 好きだよと why 一言
Hey, I love you, why can't you just say it?
これだもの まいるよね
This is driving me crazy
こんな私までが 浮かれて
Even I, who am usually so level-headed, am losing my mind
照り返す 日ざし まどわせないで
Don't let the glare of the sun deceive you
髪の重たさが いつか失くなりそう
Soon, my hair will lose its weight
弱気な 風に吹かれて
Blown by the fickle wind
胸の鼓動が おこすから
My heart beats with passion, like waves crashing on the shore
貴方の思い出 二度と もう語らない
I'll never speak of our memories, never anymore
渚の風 蜃気楼
The wind whispers along the shore, a mirage

Writer(s): 後藤 次利, 愛絵理, 後藤 次利

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