張敬軒 - Wu Neng Wei Li - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation 張敬軒 - Wu Neng Wei Li

Wu Neng Wei Li
Wu Neng Wei Li
醒了我卻還是閉著眼睛 只有這樣才能留住夢境
I wake, but I keep my eyes shut, only this way can I hold onto the dream
還看見我最愛的眼睛 還有你偷偷親吻我的情境
I still see your eyes that I love the most, and the scene of you secretly kissing me
醒了我都不會睜開眼睛 是怕淚水慢慢吞噬心情
I wake, but I won't open my eyes, for fear that tears will slowly swallow my mood
原以為我們有了約定 就能夠聽見朋友祝福的聲音
I originally thought we had an agreement, that we could hear our friends' blessings
還來不及和你 和你在一起
I had no time with you, with you together
Counting the falling stars in the sky
你已經離我而去 愛沒有繼續
You had already left me, love was not continuing
So I was not your one and only
我緊閉雙眼摒住呼吸 根本就不敢在夜裡想你
I shut my eyes tight, holding my breath, I simply don't dare to think of you in the night
誰知道在白天遇見了你 看見你新的唯一靠在你懷裡
Who knew that in the day I would meet you, seeing your new only one in your arms
我流乾眼淚不能呼吸 我無法面對最後這個結局
I shed all my tears, I can't breathe, I cannot face this final ending
曾經我們有過無數話題 愛到最後
Once we had countless topics, we loved until the end
In the end we would become helpless before love
醒了我都不會睜開眼睛 是怕淚水慢慢吞噬心情
I wake, but I won't open my eyes, for fear that tears will slowly swallow my mood
原以為我們有了約定 就能夠聽見朋友祝福的聲音
I originally thought we had an agreement, that we could hear our friends' blessings
還來不及和你 和你在一起
I had no time with you, with you together
Remembering every little thing about you
你已經離我而去 愛沒有繼續
You had already left me, love was not continuing
So I was not your one and only
我緊閉雙眼摒住呼吸 根本就不敢在夜裡想你
I shut my eyes tight, holding my breath, I simply don't dare to think of you in the night
誰知道在白天遇見了你 看見你新的唯一靠在你懷裡
Who knew that in the day I would meet you, seeing your new only one in your arms
我流乾眼淚不能呼吸 我無法面對最後這個結局
I shed all my tears, I can't breathe, I cannot face this final ending
誰會想到曾經相愛的人 還沒到最後
Who would have thought, people who once loved each other, had not even reached the end
We are already helpless before love

Writer(s): 張 敬軒, Cheung Hins, 張 敬軒

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