張學友 - The Rest of Time - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation 張學友 - The Rest of Time

The Rest of Time
The Rest of Time
How much time have I waited for a love
卻用剩下來的相處時光 讓兩個人互相傷害
And used the remaining part of my time to hurt each other
不斷的表白 不斷的分開
Constantly confessing, constantly breaking up
推倒再重來 有多難捱
Knocking down and rebuilding, how unbearable
還好終於碰到你 還有什麼不明白
Fortunately, I finally met you, what else is there to misunderstand
像錯過一輩子 我才學會了愛
Like missing a lifetime, I only learned to love you then
餘下來的日子 就用來與你相愛
The remaining days will be used to love you
此生若能只做這件事 划得來
If I can only do this in this life, it's worth it
只要看著我們頭髮變白 餘生就不會蒼白
As long as we watch our hair turn white, the rest of our lives will not be dull
How many years of youth, ignorance, and no regrets
有多少奔波歲月匆忙 生活變壞
How many years of rushing, life getting worse
有多少空白 都不明不白
How many blanks, all unknown
光陰飛快 太不痛快
Time flies, it's not pleasant
還好還能碰到你 天要塌就塌下來
Fortunately, I can still meet you, and let the sky fall
像錯過一輩子 我才學會了愛
Like missing a lifetime, I only learned to love you then
餘下來的日子 就用來與你相愛
The remaining days will be used to love you
此生若能只做這件事 划得來
If I can only do this in this life, it's worth it
只要看著我們頭髮變白 餘生就不會蒼白
As long as we watch our hair turn white, the rest of our lives will not be dull
I will love you for the rest of my life
You are the love of my life
好像錯過一輩子 我才與你同在
It's like missing a lifetime, I am finally with you
永遠只剩下一秒 也要擁你入懷
Even if there is only one second left, I will hold you in my arms
有限生命換無盡的愛 划得來
Exchanging finite life for infinite love, it's worth it
只要看著我們頭髮變白 餘生就不會蒼白
As long as we watch our hair turn white, the rest of our lives will not be dull
I will love you for the rest of my life
有生之年 你就是我餘生所愛
For the rest of my life, you are the love of my life
I will love you for the rest of my life

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